Hi there
this is Moinuddin khan (ะะพะนะฝัะดะดะธะฝ ั
welcome to you all on my chennal
"The Moinuddin"
Information about MBBS & JOBS IN Russia you can message me guys on my whatsApp number
I am a MBBS student in Kabardino balkerian state University, Russia ๐ท๐บ, i am from Mp india ๐ฎ๐ณ
I like doing study, Audio books, and Making videos on Commedy, Fuuuny, Information topic, Russia life, Mbbs student life in Russia
If you want to know any information About MBBS & JOBS in Russia you can contact me on my
Instagram id = the_ moinuddin
My Russian WhatsApp number =
My Indian WhatsApp number =