in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist.
-Steven Pressfield
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In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten; then he who continues the attack wins. - Ulysses S. Grant
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The best way to get new accounts is to create for our present clients the kind of advertising that will attract prospective clients.
- David Ogilvy
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“Life is so much more than just climbing a ladder, and getting to the top and realizing you're not much higher than you ever were had everything inside of yourself, mostly, to be happy before the journey started, and probably what you needed most is purpose, health and relationships." Brian Chesky - CEO Airbnb
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When Brands Go Dark
Brands sometimes halt broad advertising for financial or strategic reasons, and the impact of these dark periods remains understudied. An exploratory study (Journal of Advertising Research, Sep 2021) fills this gap by examining the sales of 41 alcoholic beverage brands that intermittently advertised over nearly two decades. On average, brand sales declined in the first year and continued to drop each subsequent year after advertising stopped. Smaller and already declining brands saw faster declines.
When brands cease broad advertising for a year or more, sales typically decrease year after year. On average, sales drop by 16% after one year without advertising, decrease to 25% after two years, and plummet to 36% after three years.
The size and prior sales trajectory of a brand impact the rate of decline, with smaller and declining brands experiencing faster drops. Larger, growing brands, on the other hand, tend to sustain or even increase sales after stopping advertising, whereas most smaller, growing brands see an immediate decline.
The authors recommend that a strategy of “this year we advertise these brands, and then next year, we advertise those brands” is probably ill advised. Forcing brands to take turns going dark for long periods could have a net negative effect on the total portfolio in the long run.
#Brands #Advertising #Sales #AlcoholicBeverageBrands #SmallerBrands #DecliningBrands #LargerBrands #GrowingBrands #MarketShare #ConsumerBehaviour #AdvertisingEffectiveness #MarketingEffectiveness
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“Creative thinking takes place neither inside the box nor outside the box, but at the edge of the box.”
'Jagged With Jasravee' (JWJ) are free-flowing conversations with thought leaders; about marketing, branding, innovation, consumer behaviour, best practices and trends.
Conversations that ignite new ideas. Ideas with rough, sharp edges ! That cause positive change !
Conversations that lie at the edge. Edges are interesting, more when they are jagged! They offer a vantage point from where we are able to see both the sides. They compel us to commit to a choice.
JWJ is facilitated by Jasravee Kaur Chandra who has over 20 years experience as a Strategic Brand Builder, Communications Leader and Entrepreneur. She is all about the authentic insight, a deeper cultural lens and the creative idea, for building meaningful brands that drive business growth.
You may reach Jasravee at