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Preacher Boys

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Shedding light on decades of abuse within the Independent Fu

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 46 likes

ā€œAngela Klickner, 31, of Clifton, turned herself in on May 14, 2024, after investigators with the Mesa County Sheriffā€™s Office obtained a warrant for her arrest.

Klickner is currently being held in the Mesa County Detention Facility on the following charges:

- (10) Counts of Sexual Assault on a child, position of trust, pattern of abuse F3
- (2) Counts of Obscenity F6
- (1) Count of Criminal Extortion F4

The charges stem from alleged incidents that occurred while the suspect was working as a volunteer for the Landmark Baptist Church in Colorado between 2022 and 2023.

Law enforcement was notified immediately once church officials received reports of Klicknerā€™s inappropriate contact with the victims.Ā  The church has been and continues to cooperate with the ongoing investigation. Ā  Angela Klickner is currently being held on a $100,000 cash bond.ā€

Sourced via CRIMEWATCHĀ®:ā€¦

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 90 likes

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 31 likes

šŸšØšŸšØ UPDATE | MAY 15, 2024 šŸšØšŸšØ

I just spoke to someone from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office who informed me that Brian Dallman was released from custody because they currently lack enough information to bring charges.


Brian Dallman - listed as a ā€œYoung Adult Life Stageā€ leader on the website of Maranatha Baptist Church in Peoria, AZ - has been arrested on one count of sexual exploitation of a minor.

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 27 likes

Upcoming interviews šŸ”„

Which one are you most excited for?

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 42 likes

Meg Appelgateā€™s memoir, Becoming Unsilenced: Surviving and Fighting the Troubled Teen Industry, launched on May 8, 2024 ā€“ almost immediately, it started hitting top charts in a variety of categories ā€“Ā and then, less than 12 hours later, Amazon banned her account and removed her book from the site.ā€¦

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 340 likes

Iā€™ve sat typing and typing - cutting down and extending this post over and over. I came to realize it will never come out perfect as Iā€™d like it to. But here goes.

Based on the temperature on social media right now, I am aware I will likely receive a ton of hate for this, lose followers, and be the topic of negative discussion, but I canā€™t shake the feeling I need to address it.

This comes from my heart - the heart of an advocate who cares deeply about stopping abuse, exposing those who abuse, and raising awareness about the lifelong impact that abuse has on victims.

My feeling is that the discourse around Mica Miller on social media ā€“ particularly by many well-known influencers, content creators, and advocates has been largely irresponsible and inappropriate from the minute the story initially broke that Mica had passed.

Iā€™m not mad at these creators, and thereā€™s not just one or two, there are many - including many I respect deeply, whose handling of this case I disagree with strongly.

The reality isā€¦ when I watched the viral video clip of Pastor John-Paul Miller announcing that his wife passed, every internal warning flag waved, every alarm rang, and every bad feeling I could have went through my gut.

However, I didn't have any information to confirm my gut feelings, so I didn't report them as fact.

Some people were upset I didnā€™t cover it immediately.

Meanwhile, many claimed things about the case - including the prominent theory that Mica was directly murdered by her ex-husband, John-Paul Miller ā€“ as fact.

Not theory ā€“ absolute fact. No matter how strong the hunch, I feel this was irresponsible and unethical.

Some did excellent reporting and dug up disturbing and vital facts about Micaā€™s experience with JP ā€“ including police reports filed against him

šŸš© We KNOW Mica had reported John-Paul Miller for abuse many times.

šŸš© We KNOW that he met Mica when she was ten and he was 24.

šŸš© We know Mica told police he groomed and married her after she was on staff at his church.

šŸš© We know John-Paul Miller sent unsolicited, lewd texts and photos to an unidentified victim.

šŸš© Mica feared for her safety around John; her tires were slashed, and her car was tracked.

šŸšØ John-Paul Miller was and IS a monster. šŸšØ

In light of this, I hoped there would be an official investigation into the death of Mica Miller.

There was.

Today, the investigation concluded that Micaā€™s death was a suicide.

Security video footage showed her purchasing a gun, and a recording of a 911 call was released by law enforcement, in which Mica informed the 911 operator that she was about to commit suicide and gave her location so her family would be able to locate her.

This is a tragic situation, and even though John-Paul Miller didnā€™t pull the physical trigger, I believe the abuse Mica received from him was undeniably a driving factor for her sense of desperation, hopelessness, and depression.

We NEED to talk about Mica and stories like hers. Itā€™s important. But we must also be honest about what happened and mourn that she felt pushed to this decision rather than tie ourselves in knots to explain something too difficult to accept or to make a more sensational story.

This isnā€™t an episode of CSI.

This isnā€™t a murder mystery novel.

This is a real woman and a real victim of severe abuse.

Pushing into conspiratorial thinking is a distraction from necessary conversations that those with influence can help spark about domestic abuse, grooming, and depression. It doesnā€™t honor her and it doesnā€™t serve her children who are also victims in this story.

Her kids, in particular have plenty of traumatizing things they will grapple with their entire life without the added implied visual of their father holding a physical gun to their motherā€™s head as many have theorized about in detail.

Now, do NOT mishear me on this.

šŸšØ Police SHOULD investigate the abuse, the grooming, and JPā€™s other monstrous acts toward Mica. I personally am of the opinion that I he should be charged for grooming Mica since she was a minor and for all the documented abuse- he deserves jail time. šŸšØ

ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø If youā€™re reading this as me minimizing abuse or even worse, defending Micaā€™s abuser, you are intentionally misreading this post and misrepresenting my motives. I will spend the rest of my life fighting for Justice for victims in some capacity. These topics matter to me on a level I canā€™t fully articulate. ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø

I am simply saying that dragging out a conspiratorial theory about a murder mystery distracts from real justice that must be served and very important conversations around mental health and domestic abuse that need to be had.

I get that this story has struck a painful nerve with so many - I empathize with everyone who, like myself, has felt strong emotional reaction to this story. Iā€™m heartbroken there is discourse to be had at all. I wish these stories DIDNā€™T happen. But they do, and I hope that we can have healthy conversations that work to prevent the amount of cases like these.

Again, I know, love, and respect many creators who disagree with me on this story. They arenā€™t enemies. Just like those I agree with arenā€™t infallible (neither am I.)

I didnā€™t name any that I agree with or disagree with here so as not to drag people into battles they are not asking to fight.

This is simply my perspective.

Thanks for taking a second to consider it.

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 43 likes

Just a reminder that itā€™s incredibly important to make a distinction between speculation and verified reports.

Iā€™ve seen a lot of content channels sharing both this week with no distinction made.

Preacher Boys
1 month ago - 52 likes

Influential mega church pastor John MacArthur recently declared that ā€PTSD isnā€™t real. OCD isnā€™t real. ADHD isnā€™t real.ā€

It was good timing, because the next day I had an interview with a psychotherapist who - among other things - specializes in treating anxiety, depression and complex trauma.

I had him watch the clip and give his reaction as a mental health professional.

His take is now live for members on the Preacher Boys YouTube Channel and Patreon Supporters, and will hit public platforms soon!

Watch now:ā€¦