Creation Fellowship Santee met for 10 years in person in Santee, CA at the Creation and Earth History Museum on Thursdays at 6:30pm. We are a body of a 6 day creation believers. We have God's word in the Bible and that alone is enough but there is Scientific proof that the Universe (which means one spoken phrase) is only a few thousand years old. We present this evidence on our new Creation Fellowship Santee Virtually There Zoom meetings on Thursdays at 6:30pm Pacific. Anyone is welcome to join even skeptics and atheists as long as it's not to be disruptive or deliberately rude. We love questions! You can also watch live Streamed on Facebook at our Public Page CreationFellowshipSantee. If you have questions and would like to reach out to us, email us at . We do not sell anything and we do not send out spam. We are not a non-profit we are a no profit except rejoicing if we lead someone to Christ.