I am a guitarist from the East Coast of the United States. I enjoy many generes of guitar oriented music and I love making music. Music has been a big part of my life and I hope you guys join me on the ride to see where the music takes us! Message me at uddhav.1080@gmail.com for video or music collabs. PLEASE DO NOT spam me with unneccesary comments.
Schecter Hellraiser Hybird PT | Legator N8FP | Fender Players Strat| LTD EC-256
**AMPS and Plug-ins**
Boss Katana Mk-II 50 | Orange Crush | Archetype Abasi | Berry Amp | Archetype Tim Henson | GGD Zilla Cabs
**PEDALS and Digital**
Drop by digitech | Fender Pugilist Distortion | EVH 5150 Overdrive | Cry Baby Wah | MXR Carbon Copy | Conquistador Fuzztortion | Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress | Ditto Looper | Noise Killer by Donner | GhostFire pedal board | LPK 25
Ableton Live 11 | Spitfire Audio | Shure SM258 | Gruv Fret-wraps
PDP double kick | Roland TD-07 E-Kit | PV Matt Halpern Kit (GGD)