Balti on Bike
a passionate bike tourer on both bicycles and motorcycles, touring the stunning landscapes of Karachi and Pakistan, sharing a slice of my life with the world. I am from Baltistan, that’s why “Balti” on “Bike”. Through photos, videos, and social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, I try to capture every moment of my biking journey while promoting tourism in Pakistan, with a focus on Gilgit-Baltistan.
My journey of exploring nature started out of sheer boredom, when two friends were trying to find meaning to life. Disheartened by the futility of human life, we sought refuge in exploring nature. Our maiden tour was from Lahore - the heart of Punjab - to Karachi - the city of lights - on a cold January day in 2018. From that moment, I continued my endeavor, bringing viewers with me on my adventures.