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Hi all, NEScRETRO here! (that's NESS-SEE-RETRO, by the way!)

1 month ago - 363 likes

Hey everyone! It seems everyone really enjoyed the last video, and it was certainly my biggest project yet! Since releasing it, I've actually been working on three new videos, all at the same time, so, here are some updates on those!

The next video you should expect to see will be discussing something that I collect and love very much! The runtime will most likely be 30-45 minutes, much like the Blair Witch Project video, but will certainly appeal to a much larger audience!

The following video will be another iceberg! It'll be video game related, and this time, a bit more focused on a single topic. It'll be a shorter video, most likely under two hours, but that could of course change. I'm pretty bad at estimating time!

The third video is, again, another iceberg, and it's going to be massive. there's a decent chance that this will be longer than my most recent video (7 and a half hours), but, it's still a work in progress, so we'll see! It's a bit more horror related, so ideally, I'd love to have it done by Halloween!

So, you have two videos to look forward to in the next few months, and another big project further down the road! I'm trying to put a bit more time into making videos, as I'd really like to start being a bit more consistent with the output on this channel! Thank you again so so much for your patience, I know my video output is quite slow compared to most on this platform, and I'm going to see if I could put just a bit more time into making videos! Also, maybe I'll do a Q&A one of these days. I've always thought that'd be kind of fun!

4 months ago - 222 likes

I'd once again like to thank you all for your patience. The last couple months have been incredibly busy for me thanks to the Holidays, but it's so close to being done, I thought I'd at least show you all the runtime of what you have to look forward to.


7 months ago - 373 likes

Happy October, everyone!
Sorry there hasn't been a new video in a while. As usual, what I originally intended to be a 2-3 hour video is now looking to be a 5-6 hour long video, and YES, it is an iceberg again! It's getting very close to being finished and I'm dedicating most of my free time to finishing it up, so expect a new one soon! The script is reaching a similar length to my "YouTube iceberg" script, so, I'm just guessing it'll be about 6 hours long. There's a possibility of it being less, but I'm actually thinking it may be even longer, just because of the few points I have left to write about. Anyway, look forward to that coming out pretty soon, and thank you for the support! I really do appreciate the patience!

1 year ago - 313 likes

Hey everyone! I just finished the script to my next video after working on it for quite some time. just a heads up, this video is going to be completely ridiculous, and I honestly do NOT expect it to get many views, but that's okay. I'm doing it entirely as a passion project to talk about something that I like very much. For a bit of a hint, it's movie related, not video game related. For those looking for another iceberg, I've got something coming shortly after this next video comes out, so, don't worry, you won't have to wait 3-6 months for my next one. This next video was simply something I wanted to do for fun, and the iceberg video is already well on it's way, at least in regards to script writing, so, it should follow shortly! Anyway, look forward to a new video in about a week or two!

1 year ago - 267 likes

TL;DR my YouTube Iceberg video got deemed inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18. The original will remain up, and will always be available for viewing, however, I'll be editing together one that is (hopefully) more YouTube friendly. Third time's the charm?

*I'm very sorry to be flooding subscription boxes with a third upload of the same video, so, hopefully this is the last time*

and for those who want the whole story...

Hey there again, everyone! Well, after the second time needing to reupload my Creepy/Strange YouTube Iceberg video, I've run into yet another roadblock. This time, YouTube deemed that it was inappropriate for people under 18, despite the fact that I don't cuss, and went out of my way to edit out anything explicitly violent, but maybe that just wasn't enough. I've been back and forth with someone at YouTube who is saying they cannot tell me for which of the categories it got flagged for. I find this strange, because the other day, a YouTuber I follow posted something in regards to YouTube falsely flagging their video, and in their alert for it, it specifically says it's for "moderate profanity in the title or thumbnail; profanity used frequently within the first 30 seconds", neither of which even occur in their video, so, it seems as if this flagging stuff is simply a common occurrence, whether valid or not, I don't even know. Anyway, this basically means the video is dead in the water. At this point, I'm just going to go all out in the editing and make it as safe as possible. For those who want the current version, it will remain up and fully viewable, I have no plans of removing it, I'd just like to have a version of the video that doesn't restrict those who wish to view it, as videos that are flagged as 18+ can't even be viewed without an account. If anyone has ANY editing suggestions that they caught in my video that may be considered inappropriate for audiences under 18, please let me know! I do my best to keep it PG-13, but I think this time, I'll need to edit out every last instance of blood and maybe even censor certain words. It's extreme, but at this point, I'm unsure of what to really do. I suppose if anything, this gives me yet another chance to add some edit notes to certain points, as, yet again, many of you viewers have given me further info about certain points I talked about! You guys are really fantastic, and I appreciate you all being so nice about it. When doing research for so many points, you can really only put in so much time to each one, and for points that I discovered myself for the first time while researching the video, there are bound to be things I miss. Some of the points that I have little personal knowledge of is someone's absolute favorite creepy video on the entire internet, so, getting those comments with more info is always appreciated.

Thank you so much for putting up with this. I've loved reading all of your comments, and hopefully you'll still stop by the new upload and say hi, and if not, look forward to a new video coming out before the end of the year!

1 year ago - 301 likes

Hey everyone! So far, everyone seems to be enjoying the video, which is fantastic! I've ran into a couple issues however that I feel I should edit and reupload the video. First off, I got a copyright strike for the max headroom segment of the video, because, after the broadcast hijacking, the episode of Dr Who that got interrupted resumes, and I apparently let that play for too long, and that got flagged. Second, the second half of layer 5 somehow got mirrored and I'm not exactly sure what caused this. I'll leave the video up for the time being but it'll shortly be replaced with a version that fixes these issues.

1 year ago - 188 likes

Hey everyone! I have finally finished recording the audio for my next video, and it's going to be a long one. I never thought I'd ever make a video this long, but... well, here it is. The hardest part of making these videos is script writing and recording the audio. The video editing is surprisingly much faster, and I'm really pushing to have this video out by Halloween, as it fits the spooky season a bit! Keep your eyes out for an upload in the next few days!

1 year ago - 226 likes

Hey everyone! In my time making iceberg videos, I've inevitably made mistakes in scripting, like referring to the Pokemon legendary beasts as dogs, when of course, it's well known that they're based off large cats, or not knowing that the shindou version of Super Mario 64 was actually the first version of SM64 to remove "So Long'a Bowser!" and replacing it with "bye bye!", among other changes. I also have left some things with less of an explanation than they deserve, such as not mentioning Gorochu during the part when the NPC on Cinnabar Island says his raichu evolved.

So, with that said, I'd love if any of you could comment any mistakes you may have caught in any of my videos, as I'm currently compiling a list of some of the biggest mistakes, to even some that are relatively small that no one has really pointed out, but still bug me. You could also include things I could elaborate on further if you think it's needed! Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.

This special video is being made to give me a bit more time to work on that OTHER video, while tying you all over for the next big video. the one I've mentioned twice now that, while I originally thought was going to be four hours long, is... probably gonna be a bit longer...

2 years ago - 113 likes

Hey everyone! I just finished recording the audio for my next video! Remember that poll I posted a couple months back? The one about posting either One four-hour long video, or two two-hour long videos? well, I put that project on hold, as it was becoming quite a lot of work, and decided to try doing another iceberg, one that I thought I'd be able to have finished sooner, and that I thought would make an excellent hour and a half long video! Well, it ended up being quite a bit longer than an hour and a half, and is going to be my longest video yet. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the week, so, keep an eye out!

2 years ago - 90 likes

I've never done a poll before or made any sort of text posts on this, so hopefully this works. At the rate my next script is at, the next video has the potential to be three to four hours long. Would you all prefer two separate hour and a half to two hour long videos, or one three to four hour long video? Of course if the majority is okay with two separate videos, I can have the first half uploaded much sooner. Your call, everyone!

P.S. I don't really want to say what this iceberg is quite yet, but as you can see, it's gonna be a big one!