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Profile picture by OD/Divide. I'm Dorked, the creator of Inv

3 days ago - 328 likes

Thanks for all the continued support on my leitmotifs video! It's been a slow start, but it's gradually picked up a lot of momentum, and I couldn't be happier, as this gives me a reason to produce more videos covering multiple topics with a shared theme. I have a followup video idea planned that talks about less obvious leitmotifs (e.g. more hidden/altered ones) that I'm chipping away at bit by bit, and then I wanna do a video on the unique ways video games use metanarrative to tell their stories, but for that I'll wanna play Moon Remix RPG first, since it's one of the earliest examples of a video game deconstructing the medium and genre conventions.

...Once it goes on sale again. :p

2 weeks ago - 294 likes

Quick channel update for you guys! I'm brainstorming more video topics, and one of the topics I'd like to cover is a sort of companion piece to the Leitmotif Buildup video talking about secret/hidden leitmotifs in games. I can think of a few examples (e.g. The Holy in flashbackexcerpt in Deltarune, Sora's theme in Vanitas' battle theme in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep). In addition to this, I think my next big video project is going to be on metanarrative as an element of video game storytelling and the different ways games have used it to create unique narrative experiences.

Kinda like the leitmotif video, it'd cover multiple games, in this case Undertale and Deltarune, Oneshot, DDLC, and Bravely Second (maybe with a brief mention of Default, but Second is much more explicit with its metanarrative). I know Metal Gear Solid also dabbles a little with this for Psycho Mantis, but that's more of a gimmick boss, to my understanding, rather than an intrinsic part of the story. Stanley Parable has also been recommended to me, so I should probably at least check it out for the sake of having more to talk about, since I hear it's fairly short.

A big goal I have right now is trying to find ways to diversify my video topics without alienating the people who came here for UTDR stuff, so mixed focus videos like this could be a good starting point to add more to the channel. I don't plan to stop doing focused UTDR stuff, and I will be editing the newsletter video as a sort of director's cut to cover details I missed, since the copyright claim is giving me an impetus to do that.

I just wanna try to find a way to branch out into other interests so that I can keep videos fun and fresh and don't burn out. I think it'll be easier to stay motivated if I touch on other things so that when I do cover Undertale and Deltarune topics, it can be less of an obligation and more because of my genuine joy of sharing stuff about the game, and there are other characters and topics I definitely think are worth covering in the future, so stay tuned for that as well. I know there's been demand for Mettaton and Flowey videos, for instance.

But I also wanna go back and finish that Ventus analysis, make that Akechi analysis, maybe do a video covering my first experience with the Mother series via Mother 1 a few years back (I had written some impressions down that are currently Patreon exclusive, but could use that to make a script at some point).

2 weeks ago - 388 likes

Hey, guys. Just a heads up that my recent video on the mini newsletter got hit with a copyright claim. I have privated the video for now because I don't want the copyright holder to get paid for views on a video I worked hard on for a music sample that was only used for a fraction of the video.

I may do a re-edit with different BGM for that portion. It's just frustrating because the video had been out for close to a month before the copyright claim kicked in, but I also don't want to mute that portion of the video either.

Unfortunately, this also means that when I do repost it, it'll be starting over from square one, views-wise. I'm not sure what to do about that, especially since the newsletter isn't as fresh now. Mostly, I'm just irritated because of the differences in fair use laws between the US and Japan are likely to blame for this, and it sucks that one small section can lead to the entire video being demonetized.

2 weeks ago - 24 likes

Experimenting with shorts some more! Decided I'd do a quick lil' short covering the hidden leitmotif in Sonic Adventure 2's Supporting Me. I have a few other ideas for shorts, some related to the leitmotif video, and some related to other interests (got one in the works covering some EXTREMELY missable Akechi text messages in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal that require you to deliberately wait to do the November Palace).

As far as larger video projects go, I'm still brainstorming what I want to do next. I may end up doing another UTDR video this month just because those are "safe" vids, but I still wanna work on diversifying my channel, too.

3 weeks ago - 273 likes

Decided I'd test an alternate thumbnail for the recent leitmotif buildup and payoff video. Something that has the characters a bit more focused and swapped out the boxart from PMD explorers for the more iconic Grovyle. We'll see how this impacts the video! Changing the thumbnail on the Papyrus analysis ended up doing a TON for it.

3 weeks ago - 294 likes

Thanks to everyone who tuned in for the premiere! For those who missed it, the full video on Leitmotif Buildup and Payoff is now released and viewable on my channel! It's 40 minutes of geeking out about cool leitmotifs in video games. I'm not sure if I'll do premieres very often. This really was more of an experiment, but it was really fun to get live reactions and chat with people, so if nothing else, I had a fun time watching alongside everyone. :)

3 weeks ago - 202 likes

Only one hour until my 40 minute video on Leitmotif Buildup and Payoff in Undertale, Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers drops! If you can't make the premiere, that's totally fine. It'll be up for your viewing afterwards, so stay tuned. :D

3 weeks ago - 218 likes

In case you missed it, my video on Leitmotif Buildup and Payoff premieres tomorrow at 9 AM Pacific, 12 PM eastern time! This will be the first premiere on this channel, and I hope you folks will tune in. :) A LOT of work went into this video, running at a grand total of 40 minutes. It's a beefy video covering the way Undertale, Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers all use leitmotifs to build up to significant, climactic moments.

3 weeks ago - 67 likes

Just put up the Deltatraveler Obliteration Route Part 2 video on my VOD's channel here: Hard mode, I'll probably drop on Monday or Tuesday, but if you're looking for something to watch while waiting for the Leitmotif Video this Sunday, you can find the full playlist here: As for the Leitmotif Video, it'll be premiering here:

3 weeks ago - 70 likes

Exciting news! The leitmotif video is done and ready to go. It will be premiering on SUNDAY at 9 AM Pacific time / 12 PM Eastern!