Xtine & The Reckless Hearts are an all femme alt post punk band from Los Angeles, CA. The band is fronted by guitarist/vocalist Xtine Reckless, daughter of legendary reggae musician Fully Fullwood, with Rie Li Rebel on bass, Major Jett on drums and Oze Roarz on guitar. The band is a ferocious force to be reckon with! Their music, loud, fast, with aggressive femme fatale sex appeal while being incredibly hook filled and catchy! Their new release 'Dead Weight', co produced by Tim "timebomb" Armstrong of Rancid, along with a music video filmed on location in the U.K. during their headlining 2022 "Reckless in the U.K." tour, the girls are definitely a NEW breakthrough band you need to check out. If you are lucky enough, try and catch their live shows when coming to a city near you, you wont be disappointed, they are one of the best live acts to catch of 2023! Watch for the video to Savages coming this June 2023! And keep a lookout for these new heroines of punk.