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Lithuania Explained

19.2K subscribers - no pronouns set

NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK + Additional content at lithuaniaexpla

Lithuania Explained
5 days ago - 87 likes

Dear subscribers,

I'm launching a second channel that will focus on lighter content - including my language journey, my explorations of Lithuania, etc. I know some viewers have expressed their dissatisfaction with military and geopolitical content on this channel (even if the videos are watched 5-10x more than non-military stuff).

So, if you're interested in the lighter side of Lithuania, and my own personal experience of it, you can check out the channel here:

ps I'm a little stuck for a new logo. I think it needs to be similar to the existing one, but obviously a little different as well. I tried my best but I'm not fully satisfied with the design. ... I guess stay tuned for updates! 

Ačiū labai!!!

Lithuania Explained
1 month ago - 57 likes

Choose the next video to watch...
(Sorry if you're not into military stuff!)

Lithuania Explained
2 months ago - 26 likes

In a recent video I discuss Trump’s comments about NATO Allies and spending on military/defense. While some countries spend less than their 2% target, it’s also worth mentioning that not all spending is equal…

Over the past few years stories like these have come out highlighting major problems with how the US military spends its money. Hopefully it’s getting better? 🤞

Lithuania Explained
6 months ago - 368 likes

If you didn’t know, now you know 😀🇱🇹

Lithuania Explained
7 months ago - 11 likes

@BalticWorld picks apart my recent video about what I call "The Lithuanian Effect"! Check it out :)

Lithuania Explained
8 months ago - 10 likes

Today’s video includes a bit of the YouTube community with interviews with @JuliaMeleshina , @RhapsodyinLingo , and @Priscilla.writing ! @BalticWorld, @alexcurious , and @middaystar_ are also mentioned 😃

Lithuania Explained
8 months ago - 16 likes

@Foreign-Policy - did one of your writers take the content of someone else’s work about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and not even credit them? Or was it a crazy and well-timed coincidence? Would love to hear back! 🤔

Lithuania Explained
8 months ago - 15 likes

Canadian YouTuber @DougSharpe makes some really fun and interesting videos! This recent one is about a Lithuanian man who stole $122 million from Facebook & Google!

Lithuania Explained
9 months ago - 38 likes

Thanks to those who commented on the latest video regarding date format usage in Lithuania. As someone mentioned in the comments, expiration date packaging uses the format that I mentioned, and so because I saw this everywhere, I thought it was the standard. I'll fix the video and upload it another time! I'll put up a different video today instead :)