Sub Rosa's official channel
If you don't change the world, it will change you.
SUB ROSA (under the rose) is a Latin expression that denotes secrecy or confidentiality.
In the Middle Ages, a rose was suspended from the ceiling of meeting rooms to commit those present (under the rose) to keep confidential what was said there. This habit dates back to Greek mythology: Aphrodite gave a rose to her son, Eros, god of love, and he – in turn – gave it to Harpocrates, god of silence, to ensure that his mother's secrets were not revealed.
The band's greatest differentials are the simplicity of the songs and the lyrics' philosophical approach.
More than music, SUB ROSA's focus is the message that permeates the entire audiovisual production of the band.
(31) 920002185
Instagram: @Sub_Rosa_Band
Facebook: SubRosaOfficial