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Kandy's Alien Judy

47.3K subscribers - no pronouns set

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Kandy's Alien Judy
1 week ago - 1.2K likes

me after YouTube took down my pride post for hate speech (memes, lol) and blocked me from posting for a week and gave me a community guidelines strike till September

anyway, went to Greece yesterday, cuz YouTube can't keep a bad bitch down (got food poisoning and a sun burn, but it was worth it)

Kandy's Alien Judy
2 weeks ago - 2.6K likes

bitches wanna be me so bad...

Kandy's Alien Judy
1 month ago - 243 likes

I might be a bit late to this, cuz I keep going back and forth on if I should post this or not, but I have this platform might as well use it, I feel like a lot of y'all will be mad at me for what you're about to read, and feel free to disagree I guess, but I don't want to stay silent cuz I think it's a terrible look for the queer community as a whole if it looks like we're all endorsing this and I'm really glad to have seen people have issues with this

I find it disgusting the reclaiming and making light of a term used to describe people who harm children especially by a drag artist who's known for working with children, and for her colleagues and fans to be celebrating it as if it's "funny" or "progressive" or actually doing any good for the community, when in reality it's setting us back hundreds of years and if you're one of the people excited for it to reach the conservatives, tell me you've never actually experienced real oppression or lack of good laws without telling me you've never experienced that, because this is serious shit, it's not just about "sticking it to the conservatives".

I cannot fathom thinking that a sane way to deny the gr00m!ng allegations would be to make fun of a depiction of a child being gr00m3d

We're so used to reclaiming the words that are thrown unjustly at us, but we need to stop and think with this one the severity and the significance of it and how it's an incredibly bad look for us to have a problem with terms like "protect children" and how harmful it is to the community that we're even personally offended by terms like "gr00m3rs". It's not what they call you it's what you answer to and answering to that is just gross, if you're being unjustly called that, prove that you're not instead of reclaiming it almost and making light of it like that.

It's not funny, it's gross and the simple fact that drag humour is typically like this by nature proves why children have no business doing it.

I do think there's certain areas of drag that are appropriate for children, but if we clearly cannot keep away from them the ones that aren't, then we should keep children out of it altogether until we can make a clear distinction between them.

Why are we only able to talk about when children are being exploited by their parents if they're following traditional gender norms and are either apolitical or conservative straight people? Is "representation" more important than not exploiting kids? This obsession with turning a blind eye to things like that is what might cost American people their rights and what keeps us who live in less progressive countries from getting our rights in the first place.

Due to the basic white gays and pick me 🚬 hags who gag over anything and everything it feels like our whole community has given a stamp of approval for kids who are forced to do drag by their parents for clicks, views and engagement and that sweet internet money. Because apparently exploiting your child for views on social media only applies to straight parents, when gay or gay accepting parents do it it's adorable, put on that wig and heels, and buy mommy a new car, little Jimmy, or should I say Miss Lola!

If we see an issue with little girls partaking in such things as toddlers and tiaras, why does that change when it's a little boy doing the same? And if we can acknowledge that conservatives are being hypocritical if they partake in one but denounce the other, what does that make us? This is not just a little boy dressing up for fun, this is a child that is being used as a cash cow and there's others like him and seeing it as progressive and not the exploitation that it is, is sickening in the literal way.

Feel free to "cancel" me and call me a Karen or whatever, but drag is an adult art form by nature and conception and while there are ways to make it kid friendly, we clearly haven't gotten the hang of it just yet and that pushing this and not admitting when it isn't actually appropriate is doing all harm and no good.

Some might say a lot of emotion for a single word, but it's the reclaiming of a gross thing that gets us one step closer to the map community, it's the normalization of parents forcing their kids to watch age inappropriate drag so they get more progressive points, it's about the defacto erasure of family friendly drag by advertising as such only to have sexually explicit performances and vulgar comedy in front of pre k and elementary schoolers, it's about acting like forcing your child to act a certain queer-friendly way for media coverage is anything other than exploitative, etc

I don't want for our community to be known for sweeping under the rug serious things such as these because it gives us all a bad name, one that is serious and not to be reclaimed or laughed at. Especially being from a country where we're denied equal rights exactly because of fear that things will become the same as in America. And if making fun of gr00m!ng children is the price of me being able to get married to a woman, maybe I don't really need that.

Let's be real about these things, acknowledge the fucked up parts and try to move forward not backwards, cuz if we keep making things such as protecting children seem like a conservative ideology, the future's not seeming so bright

Kandy's Alien Judy
1 month ago - 166 likes

Happy mother's day to the woman who gave me life and carried me in her womb for 10 months along with my 7 brothers and sisterrrrs and gave birth to us on the eve of the battle of badaclava.

Due to her rare medical condition called cΓΌntenserven-itis she was both my biological mother and father.

These are the only pictures I have with her as we were attacked by daboyz on our way out of the hospital, she died on the spot along with 6 and a half of my siblings, but not before shielding us from the attack with her voluptuous bosom.

Mother insured that me and my half remaining sisterrr wouldn't have any financial difficulties as she had made a fortune from whoring herself on these streets.

I'll forever be grateful for the short time we had with our mother, she was the kindest and most giving woman on the planet as was told to us by her many gentleman callers.

Today my half remaining sisterrr and I follow in her footsteps and aspire to be ever so congenial as was she for she might not be with us in person, but she'll forever be with us in spirit and we'll ensure to keep her legacy alive.

Kandy's Alien Judy
1 month ago - 666 likes

me and my mom talking shit about our entire bloodline the instant Easter/gergiovden is over like

Kandy's Alien Judy
2 months ago - 3.2K likes

oh my god, I can die happy now 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Kandy's Alien Judy
2 months ago - 810 likes

S16 lalaparuza video already edited & depending on the grace of the YouTube gods will be up soon

YouTube's not letting me post longer than 8-9 minutes videos, this so for the time being the remaining S16 videos will be a little shorter

Kandy's Alien Judy
2 months ago - 1.6K likes

makeover spoilers out of context

Kandy's Alien Judy
3 months ago - 3.5K likes

the doors mother Airplane opened πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ like she can't help it, but to be that girl even when she's not trying