App Reviews by @CrazyMikesapps
App Reviews by @CrazyMikesapps for any and all iPad, iPhone, and Android apps we feel you the audience would like to see reviewed through app reviews, gameplay videos, how to videos, or just CrAzY app review videos!
Our app reviews for iPhone Apps and iPad Apps include: game apps, entertainment apps, business apps, kids apps, education apps, fun apps, stupid apps, crazy apps, apps for life, free apps, paid apps, indie apps, and any other app we can think of that will entertain you, solve a problem for you, or just plain inform you. Sometime we just put up some iPhone, iPad apps, or Android apps gameplay videos, how to videos or just CrAzY app videos!
Developers: want your app reviewed send us an email to and we will take a look at your app and possibly do an app review for your iOS or Android application.
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