in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Dagnabit damnit!
Well, I had a very nice idea for a longer animation reference for the last part. However, this reference requires a specific song. I have tested this song multiple times (even the entire song as well) for copyright by uploading it on private quite a few times and YouTube found no issues at all. No copyrighted material. I have also looked this song up on the internet and saw that it was royalty free as well (Perhaps it was royalty free and not now or I just didn't properly research it). I have finished a chunk of the animation, showed it to my supporters and found out that it got copyright claimed by the original band. :,) Thought that I found the issue, but I still got the same message
It took me quite much time to just finish that chunk and I feel frustrated that I have to throw this entire idea I had and especially the progress I have made till now away.
So that my progress doesn't go 100% into waste, I can at least use this to introduce my second channel, which I might use in the future, and upload this entire chunk of my 2D animation there.
My second channel:
The Video:
I have to think now of something completely else.
19 - 8
Yo guys,
I want to inform you that I will not be as active as I used to be soon, because I'll be more busy with irl stuff such as studying quite a lot and I have to prioritize those. Therefore, I do not know how much time I will be able to spend on my videos, but this does not mean that I will not work on them anymore. I will keep working on them!
On the bright side however, I've managed to already finish a huge chunk of my video till now and "The 2Fort Sniper" will most likely be done much earlier than it took for my "The 2Fort Soldier". Also, The 2Fort Sniper will be a bit different than the other ones. Especially the a little older part of my audience may really like it!
So yeah, just wanted to make a quick and short update about that.
80 - 13
Well..., I have some bad news here. It would be best to cancel "The 2Fort Prison Break" animation for now and work on it once I have a better budget to afford good voice actors. I've been trying to use some A.I. tools; however, the results are awful. Even if I manage to create a top-tier animation, a bad voice acting/a unfitting voice will ruin the entire animation and therefore, I will work on "The 2Fort Sniper".
I am sorry that I couldn't keep my promise here due to a miscalculation from my side... : /
142 - 19
Well, the majority of the voters (64% at the time this post here was made) voted for "The 2Fort Prison Break". Therefore, this will be my next project to work on. It will be different from my other videos resp. a full 2D-animation. I can not tell at all how long this will take and I hope that I manage to put my ideas on the paper properly.
Also, I want to thank you all for the support. I've read so many positive comments on my recent videos which gave me a smile and more motivation to work on my new project. :)
152 - 9
Like I have shown a small teaser in the last part of my recent main video (The 2Fort Soldier), I consider working on a new, fully 2D-animated, series called "The 2Fort Prison Break". I already have quite a few main ideas for that. However, before I make a quick decision by myself, I want to ask you guys what you would prefer as the next main video:
(The reason why there is no 2Fort Demoman is because I do not have many ideas for him yet)
62 - 18
Good news! The video is finally done! It will be published tomorrow at 4pm (CET).
#safetf2 #fixtf2
256 - 4
Good news! My "The 2Fort Soldier" video is nearly completely done. If nothing comes inbetween, it should come out either this or next week.
#safeTF2 #FixTF2
96 - 11
Thank you @MoldyBagel for letting me be a part of this masterpiece "Why Vegeta Blue is TOP TIER in Dragonball FighterZ" (
I had a lot of fun doing the animations and I even learned a few extra things in the process!
15 - 2
Hey guys! My PayPal account is, sadly, still banned and therefore, I still can't gain any donation resp. get use of the donations I have received rn. I hope that this issue will be solved in the near future. I will make a community post about that if it is solved.
My upcoming video will take longer than usual, because I have some bigger plans for it and I have a idea in the meantime. Since my main video will take numerous months to be done, I could upload every 2-4 weeks lightly edited videos. It wouldn't require that much time to create and my channel would not look so dead.
What do you guys think of this idea?
27 - 7
Hey guys! My next video is nearly done. I should be able to release it most likely this week already. It will be about the annoying speedy boy on 2Fort.
I have also created a discord server for people to hang around:
Doing all of that on a Laptop can be really painful and frustrating aswell. I can't earn money via YouTube and if you want to support me/help me to get a new setup, then you help me here on Ko-Fi:
You could also check out the video of my friend who has interviewed some cheaters:
136 - 15
Place a Dispenser here!
For business or if you have an issue with my video, then please contact me here. Thank you!: