This channel is the hub for WTM productions and the Code Seven Podcast Network. Through the power of storytelling we open the eyes of millions to what 9-1-1 professionals do on a daily basis through the world renowned podcast, Within the Trenches, live broadcasts such as the Dispatcher's Roundtable, and Open Mic Live.
Within the Trenches - True stories from the 9-1-1 dispatchers who live them follow the emergency professionals from all over the world who answer the call when help is needed the most. The stories range from the horrific, to the funny, and the rare saves.
The Dispatcher's Roundtable is a live broadcast with panelists who discuss various 9-1-1 operational topics, public education, and training. Each panelist brings a unique story to each topic along with their experience in emergency services.
Open Mic Live is a live broadcast, every Thursday evening, where 9-1-1 dispatchers come from all over to share the lighter side of emergency services. Join in to laugh & share.