Param Pujya Swami Shree Priyasharanji Maharaj prominently known as ‘Shree Swamiji’ is a renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian. He is founder of the ‘RADHA GOVIND SEVA MISSION’ he has been imparting divine teachings of ‘Sanatan Vedic Dharma’ from last 30 years. He is famed as one of the most learned personality when it comes to scriptures and Sanskrit language, millions of devotees have appreciated the way he explains the essence of Shastras, Vedas, Puranas and other scriptures.
Swamiji was born on 13 August 1959 on ‘Shrawan Sukla Dashmi’ in a small town Fathepur Shekhawati of Sikar district in Rajasthan. During his student life, he was well known for his exceptional memory and sharp mind. He used to attend almost every devotional program of his town and this fomented the seed of ‘Bhakti’ inside Swamiji which now has become a tree whose sweet fruits of Radha-Krishna prem we all are overwhelmed with. During last 30 years, he has given discourses in almost every part of our country a