#FYC #grammys #grammys2025
Grammy® FYC Page: fansofjimmycentury.com/fyc
Music + Comedy Kitsch + Pop Culture
Las Vegas-based Fans of Jimmy Century is the genre-bending duo of vocalist|voice actor Alicia Perrone and bassist|producer|video director Victor James. FOJC creates whimsical characters/alter egos to match their songs’ vibes/videos. They write delightfully kitschy, catchy songs with colorful lyrics and memorable melodies. Their music, videos, and style is beloved by the younger generation and the young at heart. Their highly anticipated and family-friendly alternative holiday album "A Coupla Holiday Spirits (Halloween Perils and Christmas Carols)" is out and hit the Billboard Top 10 at #6 and #1 on iTunes and #1 on Amazon
"A Coupla Holiday Spirits