:(" property=twitter:description>
🐾H3Y! Please read! <3!
Hello I am mizzy you might know me from @Zuki_Drag0ns I am a furry this channel use to be based off of something else but I barley used it sooo! I did this to make my main channel more clean instead of putting both things in one like furry and therian videos in the same channel lol!
About me! 🌟
Name : Mizzy (irl name at 2k sub's on my main channel!)
Theriotype : orange tabby cat
Otherkin : dragon
Age : .... no
I do quads\vocals\public gear-quads\mask making
Go sub to my furry channel " @Zuki_Drag0ns "
Sub goal 1k! 🌟
More info: I don't really support lgbtq but I respect them!! <3 I can't spell well.. I have ADHD and possibly autism?. Not good at math! I live in a dry state and we don't have grass or anything kewl like that so>:(