Waqas Choudhary is highly accomplished musician,vocalist, solo flautist , music producer and Composer. Waqas is classically trained In Indian classical music and also plays other genres too,He learnt the art of singing and classical Music from Internationally known Mastero Ustad Iqbal Hussain,
His singing is unique as he explores new styles and rendering of different ragas in his own unique style,he also took guidance from world famous Flautist Pandit Praveen Godkhindi , He follows gayaki aang (singing Style)flute playing .he also plays Fusion, Improvised Jazz and blues. Waqas has performed in House of Lords , House of Parliament, royal Dome , Royal Pavilion, symphony Halls and in alot of festivals ,melas , concerts etc around the uk and also have apppeared on Jk tv, geotv, takbirtv, britasia,channar Tv , Kbc , brit Asia and been on BBC Radio and other Radio stations in his musical Journey ,Waqas has also worked with many legendry artists like Ustad Rafaqat Ali Khan tru Skool etc