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Get Busy Living

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Get Busy Living
21 hours ago - 0 likes

For anyone who is a addict this is the song for you get you to get free. Addiction is a false reality. Sin = False reality, that's why you feel bad when you sin because it's not you. Walking in sin/lies will only bring you misery, self hated, insanity,, hopelessness, darkness, depression, self destruction, death. Walking in repentance/not sinning = truth will bring you peace, joy, happiness, abundance, blessings, victories, sound mind, freedom and love and light all around you. So choose today the right path.

Get Busy Living
1 month ago - 1 likes

A prayer for you to reflect and strengthen your faith this Easter. Much love, peace, good health and many blessings to you all in Christ Jesus mighty name Amen.


I grieve that the torture and sorrow You endured on the cross were necessary to save humanity.

Because You didn’t want me enslaved to fear, anxiety, or sin—You sacrificed Yourself so that Love could win.

It’s Love that hung upon the cross and gave up everything to rescue me. “It is finished” was a cry of victory, because You defeated everything that held me in captivity.

Because of Your sacrifice, I can experience intimacy with You forever. Thank You! Help me to know You more, and to reach people with the hope found in You.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Get Busy Living
2 months ago - 0 likes

Ireland will never be free or protected by God from evil until it denounces and gets rid of satans masterpiece the roman catholic church and ends generational curses and narcissistic abuse.

The Irish people need to humble themselves and get right with God and stop being ruled by their ego only and not their spirit. Ireland has not been Spiritually Alive since the days of Saint Patrick was here, it would have been like Heaven on earth here spiritually in Ireland in those days when this beautiful country found and lived by the truth.
Then the false evil catholic church brought spiritual death and it's stayed that way ever since, apart from the few like me that seen though the lies and sought the Truth. If you want things to get better in Ireland, leave religion and seek a relationship with the only truth humanity will ever know = Jesus Christ.

Also generational curses and covert narcissism is rampant in Ireland and needs to need now. Irish parents need to stop scapegoating, neglecting, traumatizing their own children, showing no love to some of their kids, while favoring, spoiling others and caring only about their own image, reputation and not their own flesh and blood. They need to love all their children equally the same with unconditional love, heal and humble themselves and put a end to these centuries old curses that only a brave few had the courage to break.

Time for the people of Ireland to awaken and to stand up and be counted, to be the chain breakers and revolutionary's for Truth that their ancestors wished they were.

Get Busy Living
6 months ago - 1 likes

Some advice for people who have just awakened or are seeking to start their spiritual journey. I hope this helps you.

Detach from your ego and embrace your true self your spirit.

Start living in the present moment, don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow or what others think of you.

Be positive at all times.

Get all negative thoughts out of your mind and focus on God.

Love yourself, have lots of self worth, not in a narcissistic way but in a Child of God way. Know that you are prescious and loved by God tremendously.

Eat healthy foods that enhance your spirit, not deplete it, exorcise. Watch films that have a spiritual theme and lots of empathy. Never watch the news.

Always be honest and speak the truth, let no one deceive you, think for yourself and do what God what's you to do, not people.

Have gratitude and acceptance, always be humble and show love to everyone you meet, stay away from toxic negative people.

Forgive everyone but have nothing to do with people who try to bring you down and enjoy hurting your feelings.

Read 3 chapters of the bible everyday or when you can. Find a peaceful place to meditate.

Be happy what you have in life, do not be materialistic. Be real not fake, ego = false self, spirit = true self.

Do not be in competition with anyone but continue be try to become the best version of yourself.

Never be jealous or envious of anyone.

Stay away from people and things that steal your peace, joy, energy and are not meant for you.

Have no fear, trust in God.

I hope you continue to vibrate in you spirit higher and higher. I wish you all the best. Take good care of yourself and God bless you.