Welcome to Townshend505 where I'll be covering sports, movies and mostly music. my favorite period of time for music is the 60s and 70s, if that's a problem then don't come to my channel, my co-host are Bryer from @BryersMusicShowcase, Jason from @jasontheoldmillennial7197, Jacob from @jacobmartin7481 and last but not least Adam from @whatthejim. for sports I like Hockey and Football the most so thoes videos will be the ones I'll cover the most, I like the MLB and NBA but not enought to cover those a whole lot. as for movies this will be covered the least so if your a movie fan don't expect to see too many movie review if you want to watch a great movie channel subscribe to @RyanCam20
My favorite sports teams
NHL: New York Rangers
NFL: New York Jets
NBA: New York Knicks
MLB: New York Mets
my favorite bands
60s: The Who
70s: Queen
80s: Rush