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Welcome 2 SciCurious. In this channel i discuss how our natu

Wave-Particle Duality in Quantum Mechanics Penrose Diagram of Black Hole & Creating Worm Hole Mysteries of Exotic Matter: Strange Side of the Universe Quarks Gluons Plasma: Strange world of early universe Quantum Electrodynamics: Science of Electrons and Photons Chandrasekhar Limit : white dwarf star Wonderful World of Neutrinos: Exploring Electron, Muon, and Tau Neutrinos Hidden world of Quarks: building blocks of matter Black Hole Singularity: shapes of darkness Why space is black & cold ? The chilling truth Neutrino Particle: Secrets of the Universe Why star/sun shine?? Quasinormal modes : Vibrations & Echoes of black hole Formation of galaxies What is White dwarf & its formation why galaxies are moving away from one another? Inside wormhole visual presentation How our solar system orbit in space? Hottest temperature in the universe Different singularity of black hole Star exploding due to intense gravity Gravitational waves & it's speed Black hole eat spaceship Tachyon particle & faster than light What is photon sphere of black hole? Different shape of galaxies Black hole explosion & radiation What is supernova & supernova explosion Upcoming hybrid solar eclipses Final sharpen image of Black hole How many black hole are present in our universe? Tidal deformation of star/planet by black hole What is ISCO of Black hole? How many galaxies are present in our universe? What exactly a quantum field Quantum fields What lies at the centre of the earth? How many types of black holes are possible Neutron star form black hole Collision between two galaxy Energy extraction from Black Hole via Penrose process Ergosphere of Rotating Black Hole What is Black Hole shadow? What is Antimatter? What is black hole event horizon?