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Video. Also, games.

1 month ago - 7 likes

For anyone who is understandably not subscribed to the Game Dump, all the vods from the Playstation 5 stuff are up now. Here's a playlist with everything:

And here are individual videos:

Opening Ramble:

Yu-Gi-Oh 2004:


Death Stranding Director's Cut:

Sonic the Fighters:

Triple Trouble 16-Bit:

A couple places in the Death Stranding vod get muted for a minute or two because of licensed music. Thanks for not even including a streamer toggle, Kojima.

And then once I got the PS5, I played around with it a bit:

Fortnite (PS5 vs. Switch):

The Matrix Awakens:

Astro's Playroom:

Spider-man (PS4 vs. PS5):

1 month ago - 23 likes

Heads up: Anyone who donated to the fundraiser stream, if you get an email from Paypal about a "completed transaction" it's a dumb thing where they're limiting my account until they "learn more about my business."

All the StreamElements donos apparently were treated like sales, so I have to mark them as complete in order to clear this up. In doing so, that will send a link out to donators to verify they "received the item," (or whatever, I don't know) so please tell them that everything is good.

By completing enough transactions they will raise the limit on my account from $500 a month to $5000, which should take care of this for the time being. None of this impacted fundraiser money but Youtube is also trying to pay out today and it might be causing problems.

1 month ago - 30 likes

That was such a long stream. My brain is pudding. Thank you all for everything. I can get a PS5 and still have money left over! Maybe I'll replace this 13 year old monitor I keep complaining about.

I talked about this a little on stream but by that point I was running on fumes (still am, but it's easier for me to type through it) but... I was so nervous going into this because I did not expect it to be a success. Getting people to donate is often such a struggle, and times are so hard right now for everyone anyway, and I also just... am not good at asking for help. It's a toxic combination of trying to prove that I can do it all by myself while also thinking I'm not worth helping. Old old old scar tissue I need to let go of.

I would be nothing without the people who came out to the stream tonight. Literally!

In my wildest dreams I did not expect to hit the goal. I'd thought about having a stretch goal incase something like that happened, but I neglected to implement one, because I was too worried I wouldn't need it. If you're wild enough to still want to donate, the StreamElements link,, and Ko-fi links are just my regular stream dono links and will stay up pretty much indefinitely:

I gotta go relax now. Not used to talking for 8 and a half hours straight like that and my voice hurts.

Vods will be up over on the Game Dump channel, but Death Stranding got muted in a couple places for those Chvrches songs. I'll probably make a separate post when the vods are all up.

1 month ago - 6 likes

I'm a little late because of grocery scheduling weirdness, but the fundraiser stream is live!

1 month ago - 22 likes

Tentatively announcing fundraiser stream for this Friday.

It sounded like I'd have the house all to myself for a couple days soon, but summer vacation starts soon and I live with family, so the house is about to be a lot less empty overall. This is one of the last weeks before that happens, so I gotta take my shot.

I will be raising money to replace my dead Playstation 4 Pro. At first it was just going to be to buy a refurbished console to replace the existing one, but people have already donated enough (about $200) that at this point it makes more sense to go the rest of the way towards just getting a PS5.

This is my primary function of work for now after all, and I can't be stuck on last gen hardware if I hope to make a better future for myself. I'm overdue for an upgrade and it's time to make the push. Makes me nervous as hell, if I'm being honest.

The original plan was to make it kind of a marathon stream where I start early and end as late as humanly possible, but since the circumstances that allowed me to do that are up in the air, we'll just do a normal stream (start in the afternoon, run for 5 or 6 hours, maybe more) and see what happens.

The stream starts this Friday, probably starting around 2-3pm PST, over on my twitch channel. Come hang out, I'll play some games. I've already gotten requests for Death Stranding, Freedom Planet 2, and Triple Trouble 16-bit, but maybe there will be other surprises, too. I've been making some improvements to my setup...

1 month ago - 51 likes

So, my Playstation 4 Pro from 2017 finally kicked the bucket. I'm not sure if it was the HDD or what. Since I don't have the money to replace it myself, I'll be running a fundraiser stream soon to replace it with something else, since a lot of my channel kind of depends on having hardware like that.

My question to you folks is this: what games would you want me to stream on such a fundraiser? Keep in mind I can't stream any PS4 games, but if there's like an Xbox 360 game I might own, or a Switch game, or something that's easy to emulate on the PC, I'm all ears.

The stream will be some time in the next couple weeks, so reply soon.

2 months ago - 78 likes

According to the notification I just got from Youtube, today is my channel's anniversary. I think I registered this channel in 2006, making this place 18 years old as of today. Yikes. Time flies.

New videos are coming. It's taking longer than usual (I was shooting for November) because I've been dealing with some life trouble. That life trouble isn't over, and may never be over, but I'm trying to get through working on videos along side it regardless. Stay tuned.

3 months ago - 4 likes

I have been itching to stream Penny's Big Breakaway for like two weeks since a friend gifted it to me, but I just haven't had the energy. Finally making time

6 months ago - 2 likes

If you missed the Sonic Colors Ultimate stream yesterday, here's the vod! I go over some heavy life stuff at the start (or try to, it was hard) but my verdict on the game itself is that it'sā€¦ fine. The port is fine. It could be better. It should be better. Some parts of it are still kinda broken. But it's playable. I had fun in spite of the rough edges.

In some ways, more fun than I did with the original Wii version of Sonic Colors, since I'm pretty sure they did something to the controls here to make Sonic less heavy and weird feeling. It's not the perfect ideal version of Sonic Colors but if you missed it at launch you're not going to be too mad about the way it is now.