Our team helps military personnel, law enforcement, politicians and civilians, in high risk areas, survive life threatening situations by leveraging PROVEN real world tactics for real world situations.
Each week we show another, what others would describe as, seemingly IMPOSSIBLE situation, as well as a simple, time tested, combat proven technique for overcoming it. We cover Pistol defense, disarms, disarming techniques & self defense tactics & training, combat & military knife fighting techniques, knife defense & more.
If you enjoy our videos, then do us a HUGE favor and share it with 2 or 3 military personnel, law enforcement, politicians or civilians, that you know might need it. They’ll definitely thank you for it.
If you have any questions, or there are situations that you like to learn solutions for...just ask. We'll answer your questions or make a video about them.
Thanks for visiting our channel!
And remember..."There's ALWAYS A Way!"
- The Mercenaries