Hello! Im An Alpha Killstreak Staff
Here you can watch Alpha Killstreak content and my old content!
This banner is from my country.
Formerly known as Brick Muncher.
Feel free to Dm me in Discord (oraevm).
DM - Direct Message
Alpha KillStreak rules ingame(Strict):
No Ban Evading (PBAN or HPBAN).
No exploiting (PBAN)
No Racism(PBAN)
No Hate Speech
No Bug/Glitch Abusing (tab glitch is included buckaroo)
HPban - Hardware Permanent Ban
Hban - Hardware Ban
Pban - Permanent Ban
Hardware ban means IP BAN (Means your ban will ban your device from joining The Game in roblox.)
It Will be your problem, Not Administration's problem if you got banned, please understand that.
Thanks To Rod (@rod_artinsanity) for the pfpπ₯
i have A TikTok channel, you can subscribe to me there.
Miss the old times...
i remember HF_178 and FeintIsNotHappiness...