Hi everyone. This is Richard David L.
I offer a unique blend of my original video logs, stuff I recorded off of the TV, stuff I made with Windows Movie Maker and MS Paint, and stuff I copied from other YouTube users. I spread my videos across many different accounts, in case one gets deleted.
I am currently working on my 2012 collection. For a list of accounts and playlists for 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011, and to view my personal profile, click on the following links:
I have already created the following playlists for 2012:
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20121 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20122 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20123 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20124 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20125 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
tinyurl.com/rdldigital20126 (05.03.11 50 hrs)
I have already created the following accounts for 2012:
RDLpresents, RDL20121-31, RDL2012201-228, RDLhistory, RDLhistory2-8, RDL2012229, RDL2012301-331, RDL2012401-430, RDL2012501-515, RDL2012515a