Global Family Outreach Ministry is a 501C-3 not-for-profit organization, Feeding children and rescue children from human trafficking.
Feeding Programs in the Philippines:
1. Binalbagan, Negros Occidental - Hosted by Berrean Bible Baptist Chursh. 5 Feeding programs in 5 different Barangays. Feeding once a week: First and foremost of the programs are: 1. Teaching the children the Word of God 2. Teaching about prayer, worship, respect, etc. 3. Bible lessons artworks 5. Singing Christian songs
2. San Roque, Kitcharao, Agusan del Nort - Hosted by Christ Faith Fellowship. 1 Feeding program. Feeding once a week: First and foremost of the programs are: 1. Teaching the children the Word of God 2. Teaching about prayer, worship, respect, etc. 3. Bible lessons artworks 5. Singing Christian songs