Dr. Jessie Mahoney is a master-certified mindful life coach, wellness expert, and retreat leader. She is the founder and CEO of Pause and Presence Coaching. She supports those who are successful on the surface yet struggle underneath. She specializes in marriage coaching, parent coaching, and career and burnout coaching for physicians. Neurodiverse marriages, spouses with ADHD and mental health struggles are a specialty. She co-hosts the Mindful Healers Podcast and teaches Mindful Yoga for Healers. Her yoga youtube channel is youtube.com/channel/UC7LfxLU3jmBdiScY-_24OBg
Coach: www.jessiemahoneymd.com/coaching
Coaching, Yoga, and Culinary Medicine CME Retreats: www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats
Do yoga with Jessie: www.jessiemahoneymd.com/yoga
* Nothing on this channel is medical advice