Come and Join Us!
It is Now that the world needs Your Vision of Peace.
Everything that humanity needs for a happy, healthy and safe future is actually here, Now.
Despite appearances,
Peace is here Now,
Joy is here Now,
Love is here Now,
Health is here Now.
There is no 'Better World', no 'Golden Age', no 'New Earth' that awaits us.
This world, now, IS the 'better world', the 'Golden Age', the 'New Earth' that we all dream of.
We are all Powerful Creators.
Powerful Creators define their reality.
Powerful Creators Vision their reality
Step into the feeling of that Reality
Take action from that Vision
Until their Vision and Reality are ONE.
The response to what we all don't want (War, Violence, Pollution, Species Extinction and on and on) is NOT to focus on
all that is wrong with the world.
That only gets us more of the same.
The response to all that is 'wrong' in the world, the only valid, the only true response,
is to focus, like a laser, on what we DO want.
Join us!