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Howdy everyone, Luxy here!

1 day ago - 63 likes



1 week ago - 54 likes

Bad news folks, my PC is currently malfunctioning. Therefore, no videos for the foreseeable future. I will let you know when it's back online, but otherwise, I'm out of luck. Taking it to the PC repair store to get it checked soon.

1 week ago - 61 likes

Thank you for the runaway success on the last two videos! 50k and 10k in such short amounts of time are unheard of, so thank you :]

3 weeks ago - 27 likes

Hey guys, new video should be up very late tonight. For channel members, you will see it tonight. For everyone else, you will see it around 5 PM tomorrow. I put a lot of time into this one, I would appreciate you checking it out :)

4 weeks ago - 33 likes

I feel pretty confident in revealing my next video to everyone. This will be on achievements in games, where they work, where they don't, and why you shouldn't force achievements into everything. I don't have a slated release day for it yet, but the script is done and audio is beginning production!

1 month ago - 123 likes

Happy pride month, make sure to celebrate it with those you love

1 month ago - 62 likes

Tonal whiplash from my last post, but thank you for 3000 subscribers!!!

1 month ago - 71 likes


Hey all, I've got a bit of an announcement to make. Hawaii: Part II Explained will be going on hiatus. I know this is going to upset many of you, but I want to explain myself as best I can. So before you comment on your disappointment, read what I have to say. Intro over, let's get into it.

My biggest fear (In regards to YouTube) has always been "I'm going to be stuck as the Hawaii: Part II Explained guy forever." Before that, it was a fear I would be a low quality furry slop channel, because it was the most popular thing on my channel at the time. That exact same fear replicated itself into Hawaii: Part II Explained for the exact same reason. Every time I received a comment asking for the next part, the impending dread dug into my heart deeper and deeper. The fact that Murders Explained became my fastest growing video ever just cemented my dread as true. "I was going to be stuck as a one-hit wonder once the final video dropped" I kept telling myself.

This was combined with a chain of underperforming non-HP2 videos (Dr. Doe Interview, Regular Show Review, Vivian Analysis, Perchance Essay Fixed). The Vivian one in particular stung a whole lot, I put my heart and soul into that video hoping something positive would come from it. It eventually got there, but it took the TTYD remake to release before it got any sort of real traction. That was the true reason I hadn't been uploading videos for a while. My obsession with being something I'd hate really weighed me down to the point where I could barely open my channel without feeling dread. I uploaded an April Fool's video, then I graduated, and honestly, I felt as though things were reaching the end of the rope. I would fade into obscurity, transition away from the internet, find comfort in myself.

Around that time, I was playing a lot of Minecraft with my friends. It helped me stay somewhat normal about my incredibly shaky mental health. It was a great time, except there was this thing that kept bothering me. Minecraft's garbage enchanting system just kept bothering me. It got on my nerves so much I thought of the enchanting tree and pitched it to my friends. They all thought it was a cool idea, and that I was very passionate about it. I decided then, this would likely be my final shot in the dark. If this video failed, I would basically give up, accept my fate as the Hawaii: Part II Explained guy, finish the series, and basically conclude my channel. But WOW I did not expect things to rebound this hard.

As many of you know, I am a political scientist at heart. It's what I went to college for, and I learned to appreciate technical writing and research. Hawaii: Part II Explained was closer to what I wanted to be doing, but it was never my true end goal. I want to create video essays about game design, about television, about music, not exactly lyrical explanations.

I appreciate the audience I've built off of Hawaii: Part II, and I will forever cherish what we've done as a community. But until I recapture the original passion I had when reviewing Isle Unto Thyself, I will never be ready to release The Mind Electric Explained. I'm not slowing down, but you likely won't see much HP2 content until I'm ready.

This has been Luxy, thank you for reading.

1 month ago - 32 likes

Hey all! I got a considerable subscriber spike from my Minecraft video, and as I'm reaching the halfway point of my next video, I've come to ask for video ideas. I have some ideas, but I like to have a backlog of scripts in case I reach creative block (Which I'm currently experiencing). So if there's any topic you want me to cover, please lemme know!


1 month ago - 45 likes

If you haven't guessed, The Mind Electric Explained is next. I've got a bit of a plan regarding its release though. There will be two videos released: A corrupted version and an uncorrupted version. The uncorrupted version will be released first **ONLY FOR CHANNEL MEMBERS**.

So, if you want to see the normal version of the video first, you will need to join my channel on YouTube. The corrupted version will follow the normal release schedule, with the uncorrupted version releasing a week later.