Hello there, my viewers! Welcome to my YouTube channel for Gaming and music content. Contains some random videos but you'll enjoy it.
I am a YouTuber who produces gaming content from TikTok and also a livestreamer who plays Arcade Games. I'm also into mastering or finalising the leftovers of rebooting / bootleg-ing samples from other underrated producers, of EDM music from various artists, doing my "Gameplay Experience" & "Review into Stuffs" contents, Cinematic / HDR Videography and mastering the editing.
Thank you for visiting my YouTube Channel and do click subscribe if you wish to get more content updates. No worries yea mate, I will be uploading new content throughout.
Deepest of my kind appreciation & effort for providing your support towards this channel.
Do lookout for my other Social Media and content sites that I shared as a link / username in the description below.
Stay safe out there!
Peace out ✌🏻️
Lists of my Content Websites :
- linktr.ee/valkyrieasyraf