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Steven Whiting

2.12K subscribers - no pronouns set

The Steven Whiting only got called that during the Google +

Steven Whiting
2 months ago - 0 likes

Ask in the comments on what vids for YT-DLP would be useful and I'll see if I can create. I haven't used all the commands, only a handful when I need them.

But ask away.

Steven Whiting
3 months ago - 1 likes

Started a ko-fi page if anyone wants to donate. I need to start putting writen guides for yt-dlp on my website but I'm lazy. It will cost just over £90 this year to renew the hosting (Krystal have put the pricing up) so the donations will hopefully go towards that. I also have an underpaid day job but the donations would give me more of an incentive to put the guides up (They'll get done eventually even if no one donates), I really just need to get down to writing them.

Steven Whiting
4 months ago - 1 likes

All the yt-dlp vids maybe deleted soon and moving to Odysee only.

You can still leave a tip if you found them useful.

Would really help out as I want to add guides to my website as well but that costs £90 a year to host. Even if you don't donate, the vids will always still be available.

Steven Whiting
6 months ago - 0 likes

The poor audio yt-dlp are still available just unlisted if you want the comments. Or view them on Odysee.

Steven Whiting
7 months ago - 0 likes

And its happened again. Monetization has been removed again. So the Richard Herring vid and Bruiser will be going. Should still be available on Odysee while that still lasts.

Steven Whiting
8 months ago - 0 likes

Turning on membership. No one has to sign up, just turning it on in case anyone wants to tip. That's all it will be, just think of it as a monthly tip as I have a day job so can't do perks or anything sadly. Videos will still be sporadic when I get a chance to make some. Can also watch this channel via Louise Rossman's GrayJay.

Steven Whiting
1 year ago - 1 likes

Excuse the recent stupid uploads. I've finally worked out how to do shorts. Then came across channels like Paul Foisy. Shorts appear broken. How can you possibly just clearly rip off others videos, make a short with you waving at the thumbnail (that never appears in the video), you copyrighted music (abusing the fair use policy) and claim it as transformative? Then get over a million views for said videos. It makes no sense. I've seen 2 other channels doing the same. Its just nuts.

So currently seeing if, in a parody way, I can get one of those said videos reach 1million. Far from it so far but you never know :)

Steven Whiting
1 year ago - 2 likes

As this channel has been penalised for the amount of 3rd party videos I've uploaded for archive purpose, I'll be deleting them but they will stay on Odysee. This will most likely include the Defrag Tools, Case of the Unexplained, the Sysinternals Library and the Commodore Training video. Hopefully this doesn't cause a mass unsub. Thanks.

Steven Whiting
1 year ago - 1 likes

Excuse all the cat videos suddenly being uploaded but we sadly lost Cookie last Thursday. She'll be missed.