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Warhammer lore content made simple. My videos designed to be

1 day ago - 1.8K likes

Soon 🦈

1 week ago - 1.4K likes

What Warhammer Book are you currently reading/listening to? Would you recommend it? Right now I am marathoning through all of the Carcharodon novels and short stories in order to do them justice in their own deep dive. Would love to hear what everyone else is reading!

2 weeks ago - 1.8K likes

What's your favorite space marine warcry and why? I'm working on a tier list video where I rank all of them from BEST to BAD, and I want to hear your take on which ones are truly iconic, and which are utterly forgettable. let me know your thoughts here in the comments.

3 weeks ago - 547 likes

Enjoyers of the Warhammer 40K table top game, what's your opinion on 10th Edition overall? Do you love it? Hate it? Or feel totally indifferent about it? Do you enjoy it more or less than previous editions? Have you been playing more 40K than ever before or have you lost interest and started playing other games? What's your overall opinion about the current state of the Warhammer 40K tabletop game specifically.

As many of you know, I lost my childhood game store a few months back and my local group relocated to a new store that's a little bit further away. Awesome place, can't say enough good things about it. However, I was there the other day for hobby night, I brought in my tomb Kings to paint up for Old world/KoW and a buddy of mine made an offhand comment about how all 10 of us at the table were painting Warhammer models, but none of us were currently playing 10th. I hadn't even really stopped to consider it, but sure enough, All the 40K regulars were playing other games. a lot of necromunda, imperialis, Old world, and my new tabletop game obsession Kings of War. From my perspective (which is limited to one store in the area) 10th seems like it is struggling.

Has your experience been similar or is Warhammer more popular in your local community than ever before?

Without going into too much detail, I love the tabletop game But personally, I've grown pretty frustrated with some of the changes in 10th. I haven't quit but I'm taking a break to play some fantasy and a bunch of necromunda. figured I would wait for some more codexes to release and things to balance out a bit before jumping back in.

Anyways, curious to see what you all have to say about this one.

1 month ago - 1.8K likes

New GrimDark Story Hour :
going up tomorrow. Ive heard a lot of buzz that although Nurgle is certainly scary, he is a bit too overplayed in the 40k Horror scene. With this one we're returning to basics. A good old fashion creepy ghost story set on an asteroid mining station! Video should be up tomorrow 4/24/2024 at 10:00 A.M. EST. Ill update this post with the link when its live.

1 month ago - 2.7K likes

Many of you may have noticed over the last couple of months that my video output has slowed down. Figured I'd take a moment to just sit here and talk with y'all for a little bit, let you know everything that's been happening behind the scenes and what's next for the channel. As this is going to be a little long-winded and rambly, here's the tldr.

TLDR: Video output on this channel is about to go way up. I have three completed videos ready to go including a new grimdark Story Hour That should be going live soon. With the help of the two amazing editors that I have hired, I'm able to work at a much more consistent pace. My old schedule was a video every 7 to 10 days and quite frequently I would be up all night the night before they went live editing. Now you should be seeing a new video from me every four to five days. I plan on starting to make shorts again here in the future, and I have a few ideas for a couple of new types of content that I think will be fun to experiment with. Still haven't moved into a new studio but I'm working on it.

So as many of you know, my video making life kind of got flipped upside down when our local store shut down, as that's where I recorded all of my videos. I can't tell you how much that still sucks. I f***ing loved that place. It's literally where I discovered 40k 2 decades ago. Getting to work in a Warhammer store and be surrounded by Warhammer nerds every single day was not only a dream come true. but there was nothing better than that for getting the creative juices flowing. If I ever got stuck writing a script, or didn't know a direction to go with a video, I could just pop out to the store for an hour or two and nerd out with the boys about 40K before returning to my computer refreshed and excited to write.

After the store shut down, I had to move everything out of our 2000 square foot Studio back into my 1000 square foot house, on top of all the stuff that was already in there. So currently I've got boxes quite literally to the ceiling. My pile of Shame has for the first time in many years been gathered together in one location and I just got to say…. I have never been so proud and so ashamed of something in my entire life LMAO. It’s like when you take one of them Mount Vesuvius dumps that pierce the water. (The boys know what im talking about).

Anyways, my partner was nice enough to let me take our spare bedroom which had been their office and convert it into a studio so I could keep working. it serves it’s purpose but it's pretty tiny so it's not ideal for green screening and I don't have my beloved wall of miniatures to film in front of at the moment.

It was just supposed to be a temporary solution well I found a more permanent Studio setup. However, even though I did find a place and put in the paper work right away, just about every single person involved has been dragging their feet for about 2 months… so at this point I don't even know if it's going to happen or not and I might have to start the search over.

At the end of the day there's nothing wrong with working out of a spare bedroom. I can keep the channel going as lore videos don't really require a lot of space. but I had hoped to expand into a few other types of content that would require sets. Additionally, and I'm fully aware that this is massive first world problems and don't want to sound ungrateful for the amazing opportunity I've been given. but I'm just not a work from home kind of guy. I get distracted way too easily and need to separate work from home in order to work at Peak efficiency.

So all that said, the last couple of months have been an interesting challenge, And I'm not quite through the weirdness. but in the middle of all that, I was introduced by some other lore tubers to two amazing editors and my God have they been enormously helpful! Up until this point I have kind of prided myself on having had my finger on every single thing that goes into one of my videos. I had given up on finding an editor that knew the lore. People would send me Demo reels all the time and they were truly talented, but when I'd ask them if they could tell me the difference between Mark 3 And Mark 6 space marine power armor they would respond with “what's a space marine?”. Which is a shame because like I said these guys were incredibly talented but if you don't know what you're looking at in a piece of Warhammer art, and I mean REALLY know what you're looking at, then I unfortunately can't utilize your skills.

But these guys that I'm working with now really know there stuff! We've been hard at work over the last couple of weeks getting a whole bunch of videos made. The idea was to get about five fully completed ready to go and then we could release them at a scheduled pace. That way we didn't end up having a big chunk of time with no video going up if I decided I wanted to do a huge Deep dive that required an entire extra week of research. (Let alone all the time it takes to script, record, and edit such a monstrous project). Having some banked videos would give me the wiggle room to take extra time with a project without missing upload dates or pull a bunch of all nighters.

Seriously, there were times where I would sit down to work at 9:00 a.m. and wouldn't get up to go to bed until around 7:00 a.m. the next day. It's fun doing that every once in a while to challenge yourself but it got to the point where I had normalized it and was doing it all the time. I've never been one to Slack on quality, or cut corners in research, and I'm always pushing myself to be better, whether that be better at editing, storytelling, voice acting common narration, etc etc.

Anyways, I guess that's a long-winded way of saying that I'm incredibly happy right now and super excited about the future of this channel! I can't tell you how grateful I am that you take time out of your day to watch the silly little lore videos that I make. people like you completely changed my life. So yeah, big thanks to all of you for supporting the work that I do and I will catch you all in the next one

2 months ago - 1.7K likes

Another Day another Scammer pretending to be me. I need your help, if you have a moment and a Facebook account would you do me a solid and report this channel? Facebook is a garbage platform and after having reported it myself their only response is "hmmmmm well have you tried blocking them?" which is not helpful. If this was just a fan account reuploading my old shorts I honestly wouldn't really care, it however crosses a huge line when they pretend to be me and then use my name and likeness to push their garbage AI art and potentially scam people who think they are talking to me.

Here is the link

3 months ago - 5.8K likes

It's with a heavy heart that I must announce my local game store has gone out of business. As many of you know this is where I have been recording my videos for nearly 2 years and thus with the store's closure I have had to find a new place to record. The notice that they were shutting down came out of nowhere and I was left both blindsided and heartbroken. This was no one's fault, Just another casualty of shrinking profit margins and rapid rent increases. It's a sign of the hard times stores across the country are going through. If you have a store that's special to you, do everything you can to support them or they will disappear.

This is the store I discovered Warhammer at all the way back in 2002. Altho the store has changed hands many times and has gone by many different names over the years, it's always been there. It was our community center and for many of us a second home. Sadly I believe this time the closure will be permanent as the building is falling apart and the landlord has made it clear they have no desire to fix it or do even the most basic of maintenance.

For me, I'm hunting for a new recording space but in the meantime I've converted my spare bedroom into a small studio. My schedule might be a bit random for a bit and there will be some delays but working from home, as well as signing up with an agency that will handle the business side of content creation for me, will free up about 15-20 hours a week that I can dedicate to more videos. So long story short, this month is gonna be weird and videos will be sparse, but after we finish moving and I get used to the new setup, I'll be making even more videos than before!

Even if the store may be gone, our community will live on, there are still minis to paint and war games to be played! Only in death does duty end brothers!

3 months ago - 1.8K likes

Help support the channel by picking up this awesome cosmic horror themed collab shirt I worked on with Into The Am by using this link and/or code: WESHAMMER at check out to get 10% off! Really happy with how this came out, their artist knocked it out of the park. Looking forward to doing more collabs like this in the future! Fun Fact! I sent them about a hundred different pics to use of myself modeling it and...this...this goofy one is the one they decided to go with . Its all good, I'll own it 😅

4 months ago - 4.6K likes

The Script for my imperial Knight deep dive just passed 40 pages which makes it the longest script I have written for a single video so far on this channel....AND ITS NOT EVEN FINISHED YET! (on average, I've found a page equates to 3 or 4 minutes of run time with my narration speed) There's a few more things I want to make sure are included then I'm gonna give it a thorough once over to tighten everything up before moving into the recording/editing phase, where in I'll hopefully be able to keep it under 2 hours. Apologies for not having another video up sooner, sometimes I get excited and a bit carried away in the research phase and then a video ends up becoming a massive project! No date on this one, but I'm hoping have it up soon. There may be one 1 other smaller more light hearted video to come out between now and then. Big thanks for the continued support everyone!