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LuriChan's KoーNa

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The BEST Analytical Anime Content On YouTube! -In-Depth An

LuriChan's KoーNa
7 hours ago - 6 likes

At the start of April, the channel was below 400 subscribers. By the time May rolled around, it was just over 500, and by the time i graduated on the 11th, it was at 560!

Now, 3 weeks later, it's over 600! THIS is my reason to get up in the morning and why I'm continually trying to improve my content for all of you. <3

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <333


LuriChan's KoーNa
3 days ago - 4 likes

600! This is the FASTEST I’ve ever gained 100 subscribers and I cannot thank you all enough!!

I’ve got some great stuff in the works and I hope you’ll stick around for it! More announcements to come as things progress! 💙💙


LuriChan's KoーNa
4 days ago - 3 likes

If you’re looking for something else to watch, check this video out!

This is one of my all-time favorite anime, and even a 20 minute video hardly does it justice!


LuriChan's KoーNa
1 week ago - 1 likes

Ok, well… That was another collectively sad anime (your only hint is the name “Isla”), but, honestly? It doesn’t really hit like Your Lie in April or IRODUKU did.

Either way, I’m behind 😭
Mondays and Fridays are what everyone is used to from me (for uploads), so this might be something I work on through the weekend and have ready for Monday so I’m not scrambling.

Apologies! My time management skills kinda suck sometimes. 😂


LuriChan's KoーNa
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Putting this video back ONE more time! It's been a busy week since graduation, but I'll have at least a short or two up in the meantime (before Friday). May is always a hectic month for me, but I check YouTube Studio every single day. 😂
The road from 400 subscribers to 500 took quite a while, but 500 to 600 looks to take maybe about only 5 weeks? My goodness! I'm going to do my best to deliver the BEST content to you as I can! Look forward to some great stuff this summer!


LuriChan's KoーNa
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Funny number! Let’s go! 😂
Thank you all so much tho—seriously! I’ve been settling in at home the last few days since graduation. Working on a lot of stuff simultaneously, but will have something for you either Friday or Monday!


LuriChan's KoーNa
3 weeks ago - 3 likes

It’s official!! I now hold TWO Bachelor’s degrees AND a MINOR in JAPANESE!

Game and Interactive Media Design
Creative Writing

560 subscribers is a wonderful gift for such an occasion. Thank you all! 💚💛


LuriChan's KoーNa
3 weeks ago - 0 likes


LuriChan's KoーNa
3 weeks ago - 0 likes

See you all today (since you’re seeing this on a Monday) with a brand new video!

I uploaded two new shorts over the weekend to keep you tied over in the meantime. 😉


LuriChan's KoーNa
1 month ago - 2 likes

Sorry to those who were watching the Plastic Memories short! YouTube is being a baby and blocking it worldwide.
