Hope to prepare for the group1 exam by preservence Act. For that we have test batch for all the subjects in group 1 syllabus.
1:General science
2: Current events
3: Geography of India
4: History and culture of India
5: Indian polity
6: Indian economy
7:Indian national movement
8:History, culture, heritage and socio political movement in Tamilnadu.
9:Development administration in Tamilnadu
10:Aptitude and mental ability
We have the test batch for the group 1 mains also.
Study material available for group 1 exam:
1:General science
2:History, culture, heritage and socio political movement in Tamilnadu.
3:Development administration in Tamilnadu
4:Simple tricks for easy math.
Test batch available:
1. Group 2 & 2a
2.Group 4
3. Group 3&8
5. Tn Forester & forest guard
6. Tn si exam
We have hope to be an useful channel to uplift the Tnpsc aspirants in their life. Please make subscribtion for our channel & share it to your friends as well.