I'm going to upload videos some people seem to care about to this channel after I uploaded videos for three years. For now I'll only use it to upload Twitter videos and some unedited or lazy edited mobile games and some random stuff. If I someday have a computer I might upload some computer games. I'm just a guy who loves Minecraft, Undertale, Ace Attorney, and Pokémon. It’s strange how I didn’t update this when I did have a computer.
I have had this channel since 2013 but I didn't upload anything until 2/1/2017 since I was just commenting on videos back then and didn’t have much passion into uploading videos of my own. Now, I do and I didn’t expect my videos to get a good amount of views. My second channel is called TheVanger Ninja. Yeah, I just put this here so that it can show up in the search results.
Uploads is scheduled usually at 9 AM PST and if I upload a second one on the same day it usually 12 PM PST. I upload whenever I'm able to upload the night before it's public.