In the mid 1930's, our small humble business was based in Jam mu Kashmir. Towards the end of the second world war, we en devoured to to supply to the British Army with leather supplies which they had a broad usage for.
Our family run business migrated to Pakistan and continued with the family tradition of forming leather clothing – leather shoes is what the business started off with.
The generation after this is when the family introduced leather hats
In the mid-90s, leather for football, baseball caps, gloves for cycle, gloves for winter, gloves for bikers – started concentrating a lot on leather hats, which was in 1994. Based in Sialkot.
In 1998, supplies for equestrian related things were created and was always exported to Europe and the US.
(get pictures of letters where request for footballs from footballing organisational bodies were made)
Commenced retail back in 2003
LESA collection was registered in the UK back in 2013.
About Us
In the early 1940’s during the second