Our mission at Class 5 Photonics is to deliver ultrafast, high-power laser systems at outstanding performance to advance the research and science of our customers.
The basis of Class 5 Photonics' high-power femtosecond laser technology is the nonlinear amplifier concept called optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA). The concept of OPCPA combines the laser chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) scheme with optical parametric amplification (OPA). With this powerful combination, the advantages of both methods are merged. Ultrashort femtosecond pulses can be amplified to high pulse energies at high repetition rates which is offered in Class 5 Photonics' systems.
Class 5 Photonics GmbH is a private company founded in 2014 as spin-off of the world-leading EUV/X-ray synchrotron laboratory Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY and the Helmholtz-Institute Jena.