A Revolutionary of Changes Regarding the World on the World Wide Web in Today's Market.
In order to solve problem we don't even know our problems yet.
One out of Eight Couple that met, met Online!
The 1st text message was sent in 1992.
Today, the total number of daily text messages Exceed the Population of the Planet!
It Radio 38 years to reach a market of 50 million.
It took TV 13 years to reach a market of 50 million.
It took the Internet 4 years to reach a market of 50 million!
Facebook only took 2 years to reach a market of 50 million!
Google had over 22 billion of Sales in 2008.
Time Warner, the next largest platform had "only" 9 billion.
Google averages over 293 million searches per/day.
Were these questions addressed before Google?
Inside of 10 years, mobile devices will be the worlds primary connection to the Internet.
Just imagine how that will effect consumers habits?
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