It's not that difficult to "capture" reality these days. Virtually every where you look you can find examples of the truth bubbling to the surface through the layers of lies we have been subjected to.
Whereas this can often look like pandemonium or the end of the world, in reality this is a necessary and critical stage. The foundations of our society are inherently flawed and ( in order to resolve these problems ), they must be exposed.
YouTube and MediaMatters offer us the opportunity to document and examine the true nature of our society, and face the issues that have plagued mankind. I intend to make my contribution to the cause.
Notes on comment posting:
In answer to your question "Bob" ( and anyone one else who needs to know ) as to why I don't post some people's comments, as a general rule I don't post comments from accounts that are created with the sole purpose of hiding your true interests. I don't believe that this is the first comment you have ever posted, yet that's what your account indicates... You would be amazed how many of these I see daily and after checking the one or two friends and subscriptions, I find the reason is usually to conceal white nationalist / white power interests. Post a comment of value from your real account, and I'm much more likely to consider it.
Incidentally, if you weren't as furious and outraged during the last decade when an actual fascist government stole all of our rights, money, and future, ( and declared war on the world over various false-flag operations ) in order to build the covert government and weapons being used against the people that we all have to deal with now, then I don't want to hear your complaints about this administration that obviously has considerably less control over our lives than the corporate military industrial complex.