Praise GOD 😇 !
Welcome to our channel "LM Echoes". Especially our hearty welcome to all our new subscribers.
We will be sharing a Bible Verse in Tamil on 4 AM IST & English on 4 PM IST.
Started uploading videos from 10th April' 2022,
reached 100 subscribers on 22nd June'2022,
reached 1000 subscribers on 26th August'2022
reached 10000 subscribers on 11th November'2022
Thank you so much for visiting our channel ❤.
Thank you so much for giving likes to our videos sharing our videos to all your friends and relatives through social medias and also thank you so much for subscribing our channel❤.
#dailybibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #todaybibleverseintamil #LMEchoes