Hi. My name is Ann and welcome to my channel all you new, intermidiate and advance gleaners. It is a blessing you are here. Hopefully, you have come across this channel to learn more about the Word of God. When we glean from the word of God we collect information bit by bit of Gods Word to illuminate our souls and the people around us. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edge sword. Praise God🙌!So the word is a lamp and a light(Psalm 119:105) and like fire that breaks the rock into pieces (Jer. 23:29). So let's glean together and start changing ourselves for the better and the 🌎. The Bible is food for the soul.
P.S. occasionally their will be some healthy pescatarian videos.
Welcome all you gleaners and be blessed.🙏
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