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The Masculinism Movement

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The Masculinism Movement Channel is a place for men to be em

The Masculinism Movement
8 hours ago - 3 likes

What a woman is looking for in a man is not just a man who has money, but a man who has money to spend on her and who is willing to spend it on her. A man being rich counts for nothing if he is a miser and won't share his wealth with her. What a woman is looking for most ultimately is a man with wealth that is easily transferable to her. That is why women look for a man who has wealth that he is spending on things that she can get in on, or unnecessary things that she can convince him are unnecessary and replace with things she wants. For instance a woman may be attracted to a body builder she meets at the gym, but when she finds out that he only eats pre-prepared carefully portioned body builder meals and never goes out to restaurants, she realizes she can't get in on his food expenditures as he probably won't be taking her out or cooking for her, he becomes less desirable as a mate. However if she meets a man who has a habit of spending a lot of money on expensive alcohol and cigars at the club, she knows he has money he is basically throwing away that she can easily transfer to her or something she wants by dating him and then convincing him that these things are unhealthy and a turnoff and getting him to spend that money on doing something with her instead. This is how women filter men for "husband material", as the marriage is the ultimate transfer of assets. If you stop allowing women to use you financially you'll realize how little else they care about, and that is the only policy that will prevent you from getting exploited.

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 3 likes

Listen guys, if you don't wanna use condoms, then always cum in girls asses (and only fuck girls who will let you slip it in there). Girls will never try to impregnate themselves with ass cum, I guarantee it. More PUA tips and tricks here:

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 1 likes

An American Mafioso: A Cinematic Crime Novella –

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 2 likes

Relationship Contracts For People Who Don't Want Marriage:

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 7 likes

Just finished producing my last video on Aloneness & Loneliness, which will be coming out in a week or two so stay tuned and make sure your subscription is set to "ALL" so you don't miss it!

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 6 likes

Immigration to the USA is not OK, here's why and what immigrants are doing to our country:

1.) Taking from the economy
a. Taking jobs
b. Taking money & sending it back home

2.) Not learning the language = not socially integrating

3.) Creating closed communities and cultures instead of integrating into ours

4.) Trying to bring their culture here and impose it upon us and our schools and kids, rather than respect and assimilate into ours.

5.) Imposing their outside values on us, especially political and religious.

6.) Littering & polluting and literally trashing our home. Because it isn’t theirs, they are just visiting. And they may be from a place where there is no waste management and people literally just throw trash into their yard, so they come and do that to our yards here. And honestly I am so sick of having to clean up garbage littered by my filthy fucking immigrant neighbors! Go back to your own garbage dump country, don’t turn ours into one!

7.) Creating corrupt businesses that push out American businesses, don’t pay their fair share of taxes, don’t keep up with the standards of America, don’t contribute to the economy, and have Discriminatory hiring practices (immigrants who own businesses often only hire family members and members of their culture than americans)

8.) Not marrying into culture (parents and grandparents tell their heirs they can’t fraternize with boys of the opposite sex from the US, but that they must marry someone from back home). Or if they do intermarry it’s often just using someone for a green card in a marriage that shouldn’t even be legal, and is often a con job.

9.) Not caring about our laws. Many of them are at least low level criminals.

10.) Not caring about any aspect of our culture and way of life, oftentimes even being against it, and speaking openly against it. If you don’t like it here then get the fuck out and go back to your shitty country! You literally aren’t contributing anything to this one, or respecting it and treating it like your home, so how dare you fucking complain about it! Shame on you immigrants! Get the fuck out!

11.) Littering – Since they have no respect for the land they come to they just trash it.

12.) America doesn’t have enough property and housing for even it’s own citizens, any immigrants who get housed here are causing American’s to be homeless.

In summation: These people are only here to take from our country. They aren’t here because they want to be a part of it.

Most of them never become naturalized citizens. They don’t know anything about our country and culture and they don’t want to. All they want to do is to take from us.

So what I say is out with immigrants. Open immigration is not ok!

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 7 likes

Alright so listen guys, this channel is obviously defunct and at an impasse. As a MGTOW/MRA, I've said almost everything I have to say about women. While I do have some other scripts written about MGTOW/women, I've been holding off on making them so that I can talk about other topics too...but when I do I don't get any views. This was never supposed to be a channel for just complaining about women, it was supposed to be about masculinity, philosophy, politics, arts, self help, entertainment and more. But now my last 5 videos have about 10 views or less, and the previous dozens aren't doing much better, making them not worth the time they took to put out. And I'm not about to make this channel a redundant complaining about women channel like sandmans where I say the same stuff day in and day out. I wanted to make this a place for intellectual MGTOW's but unfortunately it seems that there either aren't enough of us, or I'm in the wrong place for it...especially since whenever I put out especially misogynistic MGTOW content it just gets shadowbanned and also gets next to 0 views, like my video on sex addiction and simping that I worked tremendously hard on. I don't think anyone understands how much work goes into scripting, setup, recording, editing/producing and launching videos, and when I try to reduce the amount of work that my videos require by making them audio only the same thing happens and they get no views. I've been a youtuber since the beginning, and have been trying to build this channel for a few years now. I have tried to adapt to the new algorithm and have done everything I can to succeed here and after putting out over 300 videos now and watching the majority of them flop and be a big waste of time and energy, it seems like the task just simply isn't possible. Obviously my videos aren't being shown to the right people and the channel isn't being supported by its viewers and is only being oppressed by the algarithm, and there's nothing left for me to try except censoring myself which I refuse to do and shouldn't even have to consider (but unfortunately I seem to be the only one on youtube who even cares about free speech anymore). I haven't received any donations this year and have been doing this work at my own expense as a form of activism, which would be worth it if anyone was listening but without an audience it's pointless, I'm just not narcissistic enough to put out messages just to hear myself talk. So at this point I'm giving up and will not be doing any new videos for the channel. It's too time consuming and I do not have time to spare for endeavors that are so inconsequential. I have too many other pursuits that require my time. I've already tried starting this channel over again and that didn't work. So I'm going to leave this one up but from now on instead I will simply be rerunning my old videos and not making new ones, since there's no point in leaving it up and doing nothing since any video that the algorithm promotes at all gets swept under the rug after a few days and then just sits there in my videos section doing nothing (since it seems most people who see my content don't bother navigating to my home page to look at the rest of it, or to even subscribe or hit the like button). I'd like to thank the few patrons I have who have actually followed my content, in spite of not receiving much support from any of you, at least you listened. And to the MGTOW who don't care about free speech or intellectualism and are just angry incels with low attention spans who only want videos of female fails and criticism - you are whats wrong with MGTOW. We simply cannot spend all of our mental energy hating women, if thats what you are doing you are a fucking dumbass and you need to grow up and smarten up, as you are acting a lot like the male version of one of these ratchet bitches we complain about. It's been almost 5 years since I last dated and I barely even think of women anymore and so to focus on them just for the sake of content would be to intellectually back slide. I've tried to help you men evolve and raise consciousness by focusing on higher intellectual pursuits but apparently no one wants it, so I'll just focus on them alone and not share anything about my journey as a MGTOW anymore. Enjoy your summer men, I know I will.

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 6 likes

Leftists have ruined academia and science.

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 2 likes

Blue is the color of the democratic party because that's the color pills you have to eat to believe in such delusions.

The Masculinism Movement
1 week ago - 1 likes

Women need to stop making men feel so uncomfortable all the time, learn to read the room and have some empathy creeps!