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Myrra Kate

1.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

I'm Myrra Kate & I help you turn your God-given expertise an

Myrra Kate
4 weeks ago - 2 likes

Planning our Youtube content this July! Share your video requests below ⬇️

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 3 likes

Hey hey hey! Just letting you know that we are only 1 day away to the 'Launch Your 5-Figure Course In Record Time Challenge'.

My goodness, I'm SO excited! 💃

If you haven't already grabbed your seat ➡️ GO TO MYRRAKATE.COM/CHALLENGE

What are you waiting for? We kick off on Monday, April 22nd.

Join faith-based coaches & entrepreneurs from around the world who will be taking action to have a strategy in place so they can create their online courses and scale the income & impact of their businesses with ease and grace.

Let’s DO this! 💕

Remember there is still time to join - go to ! ⭐️

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 0 likes

Can I tell you about one of my clients?

I won’t name her but when she first came to me, she said she had major envy for those in her industry who seemed to be smashing it, making passive income with their courses and having time to spend with their families.

Meanwhile, she was…

👉🏼Struggling to find time for her kid as her schedule’s always fully booked with 1-on-1 calls

👉🏼Always repeating herself to 1-on-1 clients who usually had the same questions/struggles

👉🏼Feeling ashamed for always procrastinating on her desire to create a course even if she knew God was calling her to do it

And yes, she was making enough profit in her business, but she felt like she was reaching an income ceiling.

She knew right away that something had to be done.

Once she discovered the power of focusing on her ZONE OF GENIUS and getting the right help & support, everything changed.

In just a matter of WEEKS, she was able to create a course and make 4-figures from it WITHOUT feeling an ounce of stress, shame, and overwhelm.

Look, I’m not sharing this BECAUSE we found the “magic pill” or something, I’m saying this because this strategy WORKS!

Friend, how would you like me to hold you by the hand and help you to get your online course up in 6 weeks…

So that you can finally have more time and additional income in your business?

I will be taking you step-by-step on how to get closer to doing this in my Launch Your 5-Figure Course In Record Time Challenge.

This FREE CHALLENGE is the PERFECT next step for you if...

✅You know God’s calling you to a new level of glory and He’s calling you to impart your knowledge and expertise to more people so that you can have a bigger impact

✅You have existing one-on-one coaching programs that you want to scale into online courses

✅You are tired of repeating yourself over and over again to clients when they ask the same questions in your calls

✅You’re looking to build an income stream that helps you make money even when you’re on vacay or spending time with your kids and loved ones

We start in a few days.

💃🏽 Go to MYRRAKATE.COM/CHALLENGE to register now 💃🏽

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 2 likes

If you are a busy entrepreneur, simply spending hours on googling about your course tech and spending loads of time downloading freebies and joining webinars online won’t get you to have a course that makes 4-5 figures anytime soon.

I did that for more than 6 months a while back and made nothing.

My clients did that for months, too, and got no successful course to show for it.

You must understand that you have to focus on 1) your zone of genius as you show up as the expert for your students and 2) income-generating tasks such as promoting and selling your course. The rest must be delegated if you don’t want to spend hours of your life trying to figure out things that an expert can support you with throughout the process and help you finish quickly.

When my clients realized that, they were able to get their courses up and running and got their ROI in just about 40 days.

You can, too.

Start today and look at how smooth and stress-free the course creation process is.

And I mean like you literally just have to focus on recording your course content and selling your course while everything else that used to overwhelm and burn you out is taken over by experts who love doing just that.

Be courageous and start considering delegating your course creation now (emphasizing this especially for those of you who know you don't have the capacity to do it and you want to prioritize time with loved ones and yet feel scared to do it).

Another option is to invest in a step-by-step program that will help you execute things in order so you can create your course without feeling clueless or overwhelmed. There's no need to reinvent the wheel anymore!

I’ll be sharing more about this on the Launch Your 5-Figure Course In Record Time Challenge to help you figure out what the things you can delegate that will make the process of creating a successful course FASTER and EASIER for you and how you can do it without stress and overwhelm.

Have you signed up? If not, register now at --> 🥳✨👇🏼

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 0 likes

Top 4 things to make your course TRULY transformational for your students

1️⃣ Set learning objectives - Make it clear for yourself and your students what tangible outcomes they will achieve once they take your course.

2️⃣ Focused information - Everything in your course curriculum needs to align with your learning objectives. Enough with the fluff that only makes your students overwhelmed.

3️⃣ Assessment/s - Include ways for you and your students to evaluate how much progress they’ve had since they started the course. This will clarify whether they are getting closer to the outcomes you’ve set or not.

4️⃣ Complimentary materials or resources - Have something that your students can go through to implement what they have learned. Teaching them your strategies will only add to their knowledge.

We will be talking about these more during the challenge next week. Are you signed up?

Register now at --> ⭐️

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 2 likes

How God took me from my valley to the mountaintop as a course creator

I started my blog back in 2014 to share my thoughts with the world.

Not long after, I was working with fashion and lifestyle brands, going to PR events, and even receiving products and vouchers for free all in exchange for me promoting them in my blog.

But everything changed when I came home from Europe as an exchange student in 2017.

At that point, I was ready to quit blogging. I felt burnt out and my mental health was suffering.

But then… God led me to do a social media detox for a month. Yes, A MONTH!

During that time, having been away from all the noise online, I learned many things including the opportunities online courses can bring. I also wanted to share my God-given passions and gifts with my audience so I can make money and impact teaching what I love.

But then, I found myself procrastinating on creating my course. I was overwhelmed and I didn't know where to start.

It wasn’t until a near-death experience happened to me that shook me to my core that I realized that life is short indeed.

So, I finally got to work. I didn’t waste any time. I created and launched my course only a month after that. It’s been quite a journey since then.

For the past two years, God has called me to help Kingdom-driven coaches and experts do what I did and share what I learned. I have since then helped career coaches, authors, pastors, a wedding expert, a motherhood expert, a financial coach, and MANY MORE turn the passions, expertise, and gifts God has given them into profitable and transformational online courses that helped them make a bigger income and get more of their time back.

I feel blessed to be able to do what I do, but I can only credit everything to God. He was faithful all throughout.

All God needed from me was my YES. Everything else He provided and aligned in my path so He can take me to His promised land for me.

Are you ready to say YES to God's desire for you to create a course?

If you haven’t joined the Launch Your 5-Figure Course In Record Time challenge where I teach you the keys to making $15K+ as a coach, author, or entrepreneur with courses, what are you waiting for? 😉

Register now at --> ⭐️

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 0 likes

We kick off our Launch Your 5-Figure Course in Record Time Challenge on April 22nd, friends!

Are you asking yourself why should you join this challenge and what makes it different than any other resource, freebie, webinar, or challenges you’ve had in the past?

If yes, listen up 📣📣📣

We at Myrra Kate Co. value these 3 things:


Everything we do always starts and leads back to Jesus. We do not operate on our own but instead, by the Holy Spirit’s guidance and instructions.

In this challenge, I will personally teach you the keys and strategies to creating a successful online course but beyond that, I will impart biblical principles, encouragement, and reminders that will help you succeed.


We are about ease and simplification instead of complicated solutions.

In the challenge, I will not bombard you with complicated tech and confusing jargons that will only cause you info overload. We certainly don’t believe that we need to sound and look complex in order to be seen as credible and knowledgeable.

You’ll get daily tasks that you can implement every day in 5 days that we’re doing the challenge.


We serve our clients and audience wholeheartedly and create, teach, and help from a place of integrity and excellence as if we are serving the Lord, not people.

Ephesians 6:5-8 MSG says, “Don’t just do what you have to do to get by, but work heartily, as Christ’s servants doing what God wants you to do. And work with a smile on your face, always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you’re really serving God.”

You can rest assured that this challenge won’t be filled with fluff. You will get value and insights and most of all, support, accountability, and encouragement from me as your mentor.


Now all you need to do is…

Make sure you are signed up HERE for the challenge:

Be available at 7 pm ( EST) / 12 am (GMT) / 8 am (PH/Singapore time) to join the challenge lives for about 30mins every day.

Even if you can’t join us LIVE every day, get the daily tasks emailed to you and posted in the challenge FB Group.

It's gonna be 🔥🔥🔥!

See you inside the challenge!

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 0 likes

Let’s talk about fear and limiting beliefs for a second.

These used to stop me from…
▪️Investing in myself and in my business
▪️Getting the help I needed to step into God’s next level of glory
▪️Prioritizing time with loved ones instead of hustling 24/7 to make money
▪️Not wasting hours trying to figure out something I’d end up procrastinating on

I was struggling with these for the longest time and could hardly believe that one day, I’ll be able to help someone else go from procrastinating on their course idea to making 5-figures with their courses.

👉🏼 One of my clients made $15K+ (and counting!) with her course even as a busy single mom and full-time business owner.
👉🏼 Another was a pastor and author who had no idea where to start in her course to getting it done in WEEKS
👉🏼 Another was a newlywed, first-time mom, student, influencer, and business owner who wanted less 1:1 client interaction and was also able to build her course in a matter of weeks

And then there was my past self who procrastinated on her course for months but, after surviving a near-death experience, was able to create & launch my course in a month.

Before all of these, fears and limiting beliefs held me back.

But here’s the thing: Whatever fears and limiting beliefs we have, if God calls us to do something, He will empower us to do it.

Sometimes, all God wants from us is a leap of faith, some kind of action, whatever sign of commitment from you.

If you've been in a cycle of fear and procrastination and have been held back by your limiting beliefs from successfully creating and launching your course to generate more income and have a bigger impact, there’s nothing wrong with you. It just means there are still some shifts and actions that need to happen.

Know that building a successful course even as a busy coach and having time & financial freedom is not just reserved for the few.

God wants me to remind you that it is possible for you. Yes, YOU!

You can do it all but you have to commit to stop letting your fears hold you back first.

P.S. If you haven’t yet signed up for the How to Launch Your 5-Figure Course in Record Time Challenge, register now at -->

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 0 likes

Where are the faith-based coaches, authors, and entrepreneurs who want to make an extra 5-figures in your business with an online course?

This is a PSA for you! 🥳👇🏼

My How to Launch Your 5-Figure Course In Record Time 5-Day Challenge is here!

If you are looking to make additional income in your business and scale your impact using online courses and are spending hours trying to figure out the ins and outs of course creation only to end up procrastinating on it, then this is for YOU.

On April 22-26, 2024, you will start to CREATE YOUR SIGNATURE COURSE ROADMAP with me as your host walking you through.

And nope, this is not 5 days of fluff training - I can promise you that!

We are going to roll up our sleeves and take action so you can start to build a simple yet effective course creation system and I will be revealing how you can do this all with confidence and without stress and overwhelm, too.

Are you ready? I know I am!

Here is what we will be doing during the 5 days:

Day 1 - Learn the EXACT system I use to map out a profitable and transformational course from scratch
Day 2 - Discover how to break down your expertise into an organized course outline that doesn’t overwhelm students
Day 3 - Learn the keys to setting up and putting your course together beautifully even if you’re not a tech-savvy
Day 4 - Know the best ways to record high-quality course content without being overly conscious and stressed
Day 5 - Discover the strategy that made my clients 4-figures in the first week of launching their course

There will also be a BONUS gift that awaits the most engaged during the challenge, so make sure you mark the dates on the calendar and not miss a training!

👉🏼 Register Here -

See you there!

Drop an emoji in the comments if you want in 🤗🎉👇🏼🤍😍👇🏼

Myrra Kate
3 months ago - 1 likes

I recently reflected on the things God has blessed me with.

I’m be running a business where I get to use my God-given gifts to serve the people God has tasked me to serve.

...that I get to help my clients make a lasting impact and a bigger income in their businesses using online courses.

... that I can run a business that allows me to have ample time to spend with my loved ones, travel to different places, and give to charities and orgs I support.

I thought you had to be a 30-something CEO with a business degree, countless certifications, and 10+ years of experience to do this.

But here’s the TRUTH:

✔️ It’s possible for a 20-something like me but I had to take scary leaps of faith to get here.

✔️ I had to follow God’s instructions which meant that sometimes, I had to do it in a counter-cultural way.

✔️ I had to learn to invest in the right coaches and hire the right people to help me do things faster and more easily.

✔️ I had to learn to handle imposter syndrome and not let the enemy keep me stuck and complacent.

✔️ I had to surrender my desire for control and let God take the wheel.

Not sharing this to brag but to show you that it is possible to make a bigger income & impact even without sacrificing your time (my clients can attest to this!) especially if you aren’t too proud to ask for a little help when you need it.

And the exciting part for me and my clients is that I know God’s barely just begun. It’s not just about making 4, 5, 6-figures in our businesses but about the legacy we are creating in this world.

So if you really want to build an income stream like courses in your business so you can get your time back and make a bigger income & impact, then just know that you’re only a decision away.

It was only when I committed to take leaps of faith and obey God’s calling that I really began to experience breakthroughs in my business and life.

Friend, I pray you will see breakthroughs in your life too.

Share below - what will you decide to do differently this year so you can get more of your time back and make a bigger income & impact on your biz?