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Welcome to a corner of the internet filled with keyboards an

8 months ago - 2 likes

Ah yeah, I was featured here as dude with the horrible internet connection. Give it a watch if you like Amber Gatling gun runs, mans definitely put work into it.

10 months ago - 6 likes

Stream postponed to tomorrow. Internet and computer is back on its shenanigans.
Very strange observation, but these frame drops only occur when streaming to YouTube.
Not to twitch, or anywhere else. But I refuse to stream anywhere else.
I dunno. Just extremely frustrating.
First with Star Rail, and now Genshin, despite a successful stream earlier this week.

1 year ago - 14 likes

A bit ago I bought a ā€œYun Jingā€ deskmat from my pals over at Keyspensory. Clean design and I was sorta getting sick of this girl slurping ramen on my desk for the last few months anyway.

If you want one for yourself, you can get one here and support both my pals and the UCI keyboard club:ā€¦

Not sponsored, just shouting out some buddies. More videos soon.

1 year ago - 9 likes

Hey everybody, sorry for the dead silence this new year. Post-bachelor program applications for me wildinā€™ and I havenā€™t had much energy to render anything.

The next video planned is a Keychron Q1 built specifically for a college professor at my university.

I will also be streaming tonight around 8PM-9PM PST. Genshin, of course. Doing Alhaithamā€™s quest then pulling for him, then checking out his boss.

Gonna be hell on earth this spring, Iā€™ll try to be around. Cheers, folks.

1 year ago - 12 likes

Hey y'all, it's been a bit. Currently amidst some summer classes, but I'm about to get a breath of air in a little bit.
I'm currently planning a few keyboard videos, so those that subscribed to this channel for that content won't be starved of what they want.

1. Wuque Aurora Blue Linears
2. Saka68 Build (full showcase)
3. Keychron Q3 Repair + Modding w/ Zeal v1 Redux
4. Extra 5 minute sound tests
5. Keyboard photo reel of a meetup I went to a week ago.

Thanks for being patient with me, both life and time are fickle things.

2 years ago - 7 likes

Teaser for what I may or may not be doing for the 3500 subscriber special.

2 years ago - 9 likes

Hardcore finals got me absolutely decimated so it probably won't be until the week of my birthday (5/29) where I post something, if not slightly earlier. However, I did have some stuff lined up involving the 3500 subscriber celebration, an idea where I build a board to a "beat" of sorts, and make a SAKA68 "build" guide. Hope things pan out, I think I've spent more time in the bathroom than actually sleeping these past few days.

2 years ago - 9 likes

Ayo! Thanks for starting off my May on a good note yā€™all. Special vid soon.

2 years ago - 10 likes

Good build. I wouldā€™ve made a video, but the spacebar is borked in true fashion with builds revolving around my craftsmanship.

2 years ago - 7 likes

Heyo, feeling pretty hardcore under weather. Dizzy and groggy without much explanation. I originally had planned to go live tonight at 8PM but itā€™s probably not a good use of time to watch someone miserably build something with minimal interaction.

If the poll results donā€™t change much weā€™ll be doing this live 4/30. Sorry mates, ā€˜til then.