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2 days ago - 461 likes

Do you struggle to touch your toes? Have you been told it’s because your hamstrings are weak, not because they’re tight? If so, you’re being gaslit.

Tight hamstrings impact your posture, and can even contribute to lower back problems. If left unchecked, the progressive tightening of your hamstrings will be the norm—but it doesn’t have to be.

Join me for a hamstrings freedom masterclass where we’ll break down the anatomy of strong, long hamstrings, explore both strength and stretch exercises, and develop a protocol for training based on the Science of Stretching.

WHEN: 27 June 2024 | 8am California, 11am NYC, 4pm London, 5pm Barcelona time
WHERE: 60-min live class via Zoom

See you in class!

6 days ago - 219 likes

We had an amazing three days exploring sleep, stress, hormones, nutrition, breathing, and of course, deep stretching. We also went to the beach :) Thanks for joining Camilo and me. As usual, connecting with all of you was a highlight of the experience. See you at the next one…

1 week ago - 284 likes

Thanks to everyone who thought it'd be fun to get up at 5 am and spend the entire day walking up the coast in Costa Brava with me for the Mindful Marathon. Huge day, loved it.
What an amazing day!

4 weeks ago - 346 likes

Do you struggle with back pain? It’s common to find relief through strengthening, stretching, or massage; but unfortunately, the pain often returns. If you’re struggling with recurring or chronic issues, self-care is crucial, because no one can fix your spine for you.

I’m hosting a Fix Your Back Masterclass on May 30.
6 am Los Angeles, 9 am New York, 2 pm London, and 3 pm Madrid

Register today and I'll see you in class

1 month ago - 431 likes

If your heels lift off the ground when you squat or your arches collapse when you run or walk, you may need to improve your ankle dorsiflexion (upward bending of the ankles).

Stretching the three key calf muscles that are upstream from the ankles – the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris – can help with dorsiflexion.

By improving ankle dorsiflexion, you can enhance your overall mobility, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your performance in various physical activities.

Two ankle mobility exercises you can try:
Straight leg runner’s lunge
Knee-to-wall lunge

Remember, deep stretches like these are for after a workout, not before.

1 month ago - 507 likes

Prioritize your flexibility practice - remember these three key rules from the Science of Stretching. With just 15 minutes of daily practice, you'll start to see changes over time. Keep in mind that everyone progresses at their own pace. Some people gain flexibility quickly, while others need more time and patience.

And always work within your body's limits. Compare your progress with your past self—whether from a week ago, a month ago, or six months ago.

Have you tried the Science of Stretching?

2 months ago - 487 likes

The average person walks 5,000 steps per day and active people double that. Mechanically speaking, your feet are remarkable, but lots of moving parts combined with poor quality footwear and lots of use is a recipe for problems.

When you have sore feet, plantar fasciitis, toe problems and painful joints, your quality of life swirls down the drain. Learn a realistic approach to progressive improvement in my masterclass for "happier feet", not perfect feet.

WHEN: Tuesday, 30 April
TIME: 6am Los Angeles, 9am New York, 2pm London, 3pm Madrid

* 60-min live class via Zoom
*30-min Q&A
*Recording and class notes available to all registered students


2 months ago - 1.3K likes

Blaster and Pigeon are two go-to hip opener poses in the Science of Stretching. Now hold for up to 5 minutes on each side

2 months ago - 589 likes

Use Cushions and Yoga Blocks.

People focus too much on what a pose looks like and not enough on what it feels like. If you need more support, use a stack of pillows. Anyone can practice the splits or a deep Pigeon Pose, just stack up a pile of pillows and get to work.

#splits #stretchingexercises

2 months ago - 104 likes

Did you know breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes?