Welcome to my new YouTube Channel! The goal is to publish my interviews here as well as vlog content and more. I am sharing my life, behind-the-scenes as I grow personally and professionally, I am hoping this channel will grow right along with me. Life is not perfect, the magic is in the edits. Trust me I know, I have been a TV/Radio/Podcast Producer for over 20 years, it's literally what I do for a living - making people look good despite their flaws.
My goal is to show you the flaws vs. the finished product. I decided to be a creator and not a consumer, this is the documentation of that journey. Love me or hate me, I can only be me. Watch, don't watch, this isn't for you anyway. But, I can tell you one thing, if you DO watch, you might actually learn something.
Be open to the possibility that you don't know everything, and, neither do I.