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Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 1 month ago

4K Background, please subscribe and like it and use it for free

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Posted 1 month ago

isticmaal Sawiradan 4k, Sawirada Background ka Muuqaalada iyo daabacaada sawirada ,

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Posted 1 month ago

isticmaal Sawiradan 4k, Sawirada Background ka Muuqaalada iyo daabacaada sawirada ,

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Posted 1 month ago

xaquuqda falastiniyiinta

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Posted 1 month ago

Heeso macaan 2024

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Posted 1 month ago

WASHINGTON: Agaasimihii Adeegga sirta ee Maraykanka Kimberly Cheatle ayaa is casishay kadib markii hay’adda si adag loogu baadhay in ay ku guul daraysatay in ay joojiso gacan ku dhiigle uu ku dhaawacay madaxweynihii hore ee Maraykanka Donald Trump intii lagu guda jiray isu soo bax olole doorasho, sida uu sheegay Aqalka Cad Talaadadii. Wakaaladu si degdeg ah ugamay jawaabin codsi faallo ah. Adeegga sirta ah, oo mas'uul ka ah ilaalinta madaxweynayaasha Mareykanka ee hadda jira iyo kuwii hore, ayaa wajahaya xiisad ka dib markii nin hubeysan uu awood u yeeshay inuu Trump ka soo rasaaseeyo saqafka dusha sare ee dibad-baxa bannaanka ee Butler, Pennsylvania 13-kii Luulyo. Cheatle waxay la kulantay cambaareyn laba geesood ah markii ay Isniintii shalay ayuu hortagay guddiga la socodka golaha shacabka, isagoo ka gaabsaday inuu ka jawaabo su’aalo ay weydiiyeen xildhibaanno niyad jabsan oo ku saabsan qorshaha amniga ee isu soo baxa iyo sida ay ciidamada sharcigu uga falceliyeen habdhaqanka shakiga leh ee ninka hubeysan. Dhowr xildhibaan oo Jamhuuri iyo Dimuqraadi ah ayaa ugu baaqay inay is casisho. Trump oo ah musharraxa xisbiga Jamhuuriga ayaa lagu daaqay dhegta midig, waxaana rasaasta ku dhintay hal qof oo isu soo baxay. Ninka hubaysan oo lagu magacaabi jiray Thomas Crooks oo 20 jir ah, ayaa waxaa toogtay oo dilay nin toogteyn ah oo ka tirsan ciidamada sirdoonka ee sirdoonka. "In kasta oo is-casilaadda Agaasime Cheatle ay tahay tallaabo isla xisaabtan ah, waxaan u baahannahay in dib u eegis buuxda lagu sameeyo sida ay u dhaceen guul-darrooyinkan amni si aan uga hortagno inay horay u socdaan," James Comer, oo ah guddoomiyaha guddiga kormeerka ee Aqalka Sare, ayaa ku yiri hadal uu soo saaray. "Waan sii wadi doonnaa kormeerka aan ku leenahay Adeegga Sirta." Cheatle, oo hay'adda hogaaminaysay tan iyo 2022, ayaa u sheegtay sharci-dajiyayaasha inay qaaday mas'uuliyadda toogashada, iyadoo ku tilmaantay guul-darradii ugu waynayd ee Adeegga sirta ah tan iyo xilligaas oo madaxweynihii Ronald Reagan la toogtay 1981. Adeegga sirta ah ayaa wajahaya baaritaanno uga imaanaya guddiyo badan oo Congress-ka ah iyo Ilaalada gudaha ee Waaxda Amniga Gudaha ee Maraykanka, ururkeeda waalidka, oo ka sarreeya waxqabadkeeda. Madaxweyne Joe Biden, oo soo afjaray ololihiisii ​​doorashada, ayaa sidoo kale ku baaqay in dib u eegis madax banaan lagu sameeyo. Inta badan dhaleeceynta ayaa diiradda lagu saaray guuldaradii la rabay in la sugo saqafka sare ee dhismo warshadeed halkaas oo ninka hubeysan uu ku sugnaa meel 150 yard (140 m) u jirta masraxa uu Trump ka hadlayay. Dusha sare ayaa lagu dhawaaqay meel ka baxsan xayndaabka amniga ee Adeegga Sirta ee munaasabadda, go'aankaas oo ay dhaleeceeyeen wakiilladii hore iyo sharci-dejiyeyaasha. Cheatle waxay door sare oo dhanka amniga ah ku qabatay PepsiCo markii Biden ay u magacawday agaasimeheeda Adeegga sirta 2022. Waxay hore uga soo shaqeysay 27 sano hay'adda. Waxay xilka la wareegtay ka dib fadeexado isdaba joog ah oo ku lug lahaa Adeegga sirta ah ee sumcadda sumcadda hay'ad caan ah iyo kuwo aan qarsoonayn. Toban ka mid ah wakiillada Sirta ayaa shaqooyinkoodii waayey ka dib markii la ogaaday in ay qolalka hoteelka ku soo celiyeen haween, qaarkood ay ahaayeen dhillooyin, ka hor safar uu ku tagay Colombia madaxweynihii xilligaas Barack Obama 2012. Wakaalladda ayaa sidoo kale la kulantay eedeymo ah in ay tirtirtay farriimaha qoraalka ah ee agagaarka 6-dii Jannaayo, 2021-kii, ee lagu weeraray Xarunta Maraykanka ee Capitol. Farriimahaas waxaa markii dambe raadiyay guddi kongareeska ah oo baarayay rabshadaha.
WASHINGTON: U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned after the agency came under harsh scrutiny for its failure to stop a would-be assassin from wounding former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally, the White House said on Tuesday. The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Secret Service, which is responsible for the protection of current and former U.S. presidents, faces a crisis after a gunman was able to fire on Trump from a roof overlooking the outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. Cheatle faced bipartisan condemnation when she appeared before the House of Representatives Oversight Committee on Monday, declining to answer questions from frustrated lawmakers about the security plan for the rally and how law enforcement responded to the suspicious behavior of the gunman. Several Republican and Democratic lawmakers called on her to resign. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, was grazed in the right ear and one rallygoer was killed in the gunfire. The gunman, identified as a 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, was shot and killed by s Secret Service sniper. "While Director Cheatle’s resignation is a step toward accountability, we need a full review of how these security failures happened so that we can prevent them going forward," James Comer, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement. "We will continue our oversight of the Secret Service." Cheatle, who has led the agency since 2022, told lawmakers she took responsibility for the shooting, calling it the largest failure by the Secret Service since then-President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981. The Secret Service faces investigations from multiple congressional committees and the internal watchdog of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, its parent organization, over its performance. President Joe Biden, who has ended his reelection campaign, has also called for an independent review. Much of the criticism has focused on the failure to secure the roof of an industrial building where the gunman was perched about 150 yards (140 m) from the stage where Trump was speaking. The rooftop was declared outside the Secret Service security perimeter for the event, a decision criticized by former agents and lawmakers. Cheatle held a top security role at PepsiCo when Biden named her Secret Service director in 2022. She previously served 27 years in the agency. She took over following a series of scandals involving the Secret Service that scarred the reputation of an elite and insular agency. Ten Secret Service agents lost their jobs after revelations they brought women, some of them prostitutes, back to their hotel rooms ahead of a trip to Colombia by then-President Barack Obama in 2012. The agency also faced allegations that it erased text messages from around the time of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Those messages were later sought by a congressional panel probing the riot.

US Secret Service chief resigns following Trump assassination attempt

WASHINGTON: U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned after the agency came under harsh scrutiny for its failure to stop a would-be assassin from wounding former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally, the White House said on Tuesday. The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Secret Service, which is responsible for the protection of current and former U.S. presidents, faces a crisis after a gunman was able to fire on Trump from a roof overlooking the outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. Cheatle faced bipartisan condemnation when she appeared before the House of Representatives Oversight Committee on Monday, declining to answer questions from frustrated lawmakers about the security plan for the rally and how law enforcement responded to the suspicious behavior of the gunman. Several Republican and Democratic lawmakers called on her to resign. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, was grazed in the right ear and one rallygoer was killed in the gunfire. The gunman, identified as a 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, was shot and killed by s Secret Service sniper. "While Director Cheatle’s resignation is a step toward accountability, we need a full review of how these security failures happened so that we can prevent them going forward," James Comer, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement. "We will continue our oversight of the Secret Service." Cheatle, who has led the agency since 2022, told lawmakers she took responsibility for the shooting, calling it the largest failure by the Secret Service since then-President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981. The Secret Service faces investigations from multiple congressional committees and the internal watchdog of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, its parent organization, over its performance. President Joe Biden, who has ended his reelection campaign, has also called for an independent review. Much of the criticism has focused on the failure to secure the roof of an industrial building where the gunman was perched about 150 yards (140 m) from the stage where Trump was speaking. The rooftop was declared outside the Secret Service security perimeter for the event, a decision criticized by former agents and lawmakers. Cheatle held a top security role at PepsiCo when Biden named her Secret Service director in 2022. She previously served 27 years in the agency. She took over following a series of scandals involving the Secret Service that scarred the reputation of an elite and insular agency. Ten Secret Service agents lost their jobs after revelations they brought women, some of them prostitutes, back to their hotel rooms ahead of a trip to Colombia by then-President Barack Obama in 2012. The agency also faced allegations that it erased text messages from around the time of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Those messages were later sought by a congressional panel probing the riot.

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Posted 1 month ago

Isku dayga dilka ma ka dhigi doonaa Trump mid caan ah?
Will the assassination attempt make Trump more popular?

Isku dayga dilka ama weerarada inta badan waxay kor u qaadaan caannimada siyaasiga, sida kiiskii Brazil Jair Bolsonaro. khubuurada siyaasada daraasadeeya ayaa waxay la yaaban yihiin in sidaas oo kale ay run noqon doonto Donald Trump.

Assassination attempts or attacks often boost a politician's popularity, as in the case of Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. Observers wonder whether the same will be true for Donald Trump.

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Posted 1 month ago

Safiirka Maraykanka EE arimaha Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Richard H. Riley ayaa booqasho ku tagay magaalada Hargeysa ee Somaliland, isagoo kulamo la yeeshay madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi

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Posted 1 month ago

Doorashada madaxweynaha Rwanda: Shan su'aalood oo lagu fahmo ra'yi ururin horay loo go'aamiyay

Madaxweynaha Rwanda Paul Kagame ayaa wajahaya labo musharax oo kaliya oo u tartamaya wax u muuqda markii shanaad ee xafiiska. Waa ayo? Sidee buu xisbiga talada haya ee Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) u maareynayaa ololaha? Waxaan kuu sheegi doonaa waxa ku jira ra'yi ururintii Rwanda ee 15 Luulyo, taas oo natiijadeeda aan shaki ku jirin.
Dhowr maalmood gudahood, in ka badan 9 milyan oo codbixiyeyaal ah oo ku nool Rwanda ayaa u codeyn doona inay doortaan madaxweyne iyo dhammaan 80ka xubnood ee aqalka hoose ee baarlamaanka. Jabhadda Waddaniga ah ee Ruwaanda (RPF) ayaa u muuqata inay meel walba joogaan iyadoo kooxdan siyaasiga ah ee musharaxa ah ee madaxweynanimada uu ka sii wado ololihiisa xooggan ee guud ahaan dalka.

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