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A_Random_N3rd VR

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What's good gamers? I'm just a random nerd on the internet,

A_Random_N3rd VR
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Blade & Sorcery... 1.0... TODAY?!

That sounds pretty cool

A_Random_N3rd VR
2 months ago - 6 likes


I know I said I’d be back in January. That was indeed the plan. Unfortunately, I just so happened to have the hardest semester I’ve had yet these past few months and have not had much time to work on videos/or find a new time to stream on Youtube.

That being said, I plan to come back with a BANG! My content will remain VR related, but is gonna be… a little different.

All of it will make sense once I return. For now though, I am going to hunker down and finish this current semester strong. Once it’s over, I’m coming back full force. I do have a video started, but is not ready to be shipped. Expect this video in late May once my finals are done and over with. Youtube streams will be back soon after the video drops.

These past few months have been pretty dry regarding interesting VR content. I plan to fix that, and learn a thing or two along the way.

A_Random_N3rd VR
5 months ago - 4 likes


The next video is still in the works. I keep rewriting/changing things about it but do know it is in the works and should be out in a decent timeframe.

A_Random_N3rd VR
6 months ago - 7 likes

Merry Christmas

Sorry for my unannounced hiatus. I plan to come back in January with some great content.

Stay tuned!

A_Random_N3rd VR
7 months ago - 2 likes

No stream this week. Enjoy your Thanksgivings/Black Fridays my American nerds!

To those not in America, enjoy your weekend regardless

A_Random_N3rd VR
7 months ago - 3 likes

As stated in my discord, this week's and next week's streams will be on Sunday. I have family in town.

We will resume normal stream schedule on December 1st!

A_Random_N3rd VR
7 months ago - 3 likes

Hey y'all

This month is gonna be a bit chaotic. Streams may or may not happen on a weekly basis this month due to work, family, etc.

I will make up for it by trying to get a few videos (shorts/full length videos) out this month)

A_Random_N3rd VR
8 months ago - 5 likes

I'm gonna take a break from streaming this week. I want to focus more attention on my videos rather than my streams.

I've been wildly inconsistent with my upload schedule and really want to upload more frequently than just uploading once a month and leaving y'all with a couple of streams in between.

Y'all deserve better, and I've been lacking

A_Random_N3rd VR
8 months ago - 6 likes

Happy Halloween Gamers

I watched the Fnaf Movie

It was pretty good. Solid 8.5/10

A_Random_N3rd VR
8 months ago - 6 likes

What if I told you there's a new video coming out tomorrow?