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Doctor Avi

None subscribers - no pronouns set

Want to have more time, money, and fulfillment in your life

Doctor Avi
1 month ago - 6 likes

Thank you to all 10,000 of you who are subscribed to the channel!

I’ve been making videos regularly since Jan 2022 and I didn’t really know where this channel was going to go when I first started.

I look to share value and perspective and hope to make a positive impact in some way 😊

Doctor Avi
7 months ago - 2 likes

Running into a brick wall lately...
I need your help.

What topics would you like me to address for videos?

Please comment with a topic you'd be interested in :)

Doctor Avi
11 months ago - 49 likes

Blown away by the growth of the page!

I have been posting weekly videos for the last 1.5 years and one of my recent videos has taken off - super grateful for all of you!

More videos on the way - let me know if there are any topics/ideas you all would like to hear more about :)